University of Virginia Library

CLIX. Cum sola sis spes hominum,
Ora pro nobis dominum.


O blessid mayde, moder and wyffe,
Graunter of pease, seaser of stryffe,
When we schalle die and ende our lyffe,
Ora pro nobis dominum.


The flesshe, the worlde, the fende alsoo
Assawte us ay to worke us woo:
Into ther snare thatte we notte goo,
Ora pro nobis dominum.


O swete lady, thou be oure gyde
By nyght and day atte euery tyde:


Into no syn that we notte sclyde,
Ora pro nobis dominum.


Of syn and vice thatte we may sease
And in uertu ay to encrease
And lede oure lyffe in goostly pease,
Ora pro nobis dominum.


Thatte we by grace so may procede
In wylle, in thought, in worde and dede,
Thatte heuyn blysse may be oure mede,
Ora pro nobis dominum.