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De sancto Petro apostolo

Seinte Peter was wiþ oure Louerd of al is apostles hecst
Sein Ion þe wangelist & he were euere oure Louerd nexst
Seinte Peter was a uissare & seint Andreu is broþer also
Þo oure Louerd ȝeode ouerlond he fond hom hore mester do
Comeþ he sede after me oþer visssares ichelle ȝou make


Anon hi siwede him afterward & hore nettes gonne forsake
Hy siwede oure Louerd afterward and is apostles were
And after is deþ wide wende Cristendom to lere
Seinte Peter is þe hexte apostel þat mid oure Louerd is
And triwelokest him louede her and cudde it ofte iwis
For þo oure Louerd made is cene in a Ssere Þoresdaye
And sede is deciples þat on of hom him ssolde bitraye
Seinte Peter esste wo it were wel faste loude and stille
Ac oure Louerd nesede him noȝt for he weste wel is wille
For ȝif he hadde iwest wo it were boþe fleiss and skyn
Wiþ is teþ he wolde habbe todrawe as seiþ seint Austin
Suþþe þo oure Louerd was inome a Gyu he smot also
And ȝif oure Louerd him nadde forbode more he hadde ido
Gret loue also touore al oþere he cudde him in þe se
Þo he orn to him upe þe water þo he weste it was he
Heuene keien oure Louerd him tok & Holy Churche to gome
And heued him made of Holy Churche & þe uerste pope of Rome
Seinte Petres loue also upe oure Louerd so muche tende
Þat after holy Þoresday þat oure Louerd to heuene wende
Selde he com out of is þoȝt ac wanne [he] him ne seie
So gret deol he made & mornynge þat he wep wiþ is eiȝe
Þer uore he bar inis bosom war so he bicome
A cloþ to wipe awei þe teres for he wep so lome
To oure Louerd he hadde triwest loue of al þat euere were
And studefastost was of bileue Holy Churche to lere
Of miracles he was swuþe uol so uol nas neuere non
To liue he rerede dede men þe crokede he made gon
A god womman was þulke tyme and of holy fame
Oure Louerd heo seruede swuþe wel Tabite was hure name


Þis womman deide as God it wolde as we ssolleþ echone
Þer was for hure deol ynou wop & swuþe gret mone
Somme of þe postles ne[i] hure were to seinte Peter hi sende
Þat he to burie hore gode frend & to oure Louerdes womman wende
Seinte Peter com þuder sone widuen prest were
Hi wope on him and cride ȝerne for hore felawe þat lai ded þere
Seinte Peter gan to sike sore adoun he sat akne[o]
And for hure on oure Louerd cride as þat folk miȝte ise[o]
Al anhei he sede þo aris up Tabite anon
Þe womman aros mid þulke worde þat was as ded as ston
And þonkede God and seinte Peter & hol & sond gan gon
And liuede in holy lif longe hol of fleiss and bon
A prince þer was anoþer tyme man of swuþe gret fame
Heþene he was and alle his Cornel was is name
He him biþoȝte in a tyme þat is bileue nas noȝt
He wilnede muche forto be[o] in betere bileue ibroȝt
Of oure Louerd he was sore adrad so þat him com toknynge
Fram heuene a day wo him ssolde to riȝte bileue bringe
An angel him sede riȝt attenone þat oure Louerd him þuder sende
And is bedes & is almes dedes biuore oure Louerd wende
And þat he sende to seinte Peter þat at Iospen ssolde abide
A[t] Symondes hous þe tannare riȝt bi þe se side
Þat he sone to him come to teche him Cristendom
Þe messager þat he sende forþ to seinte Peter com
Þo he hadde is erande ised seinte Peter wiþ him wende
And to Cornel com to þis heieman as oure Louerd him sende


And teiȝte him and alle his þe lawe of Cristendom
So þat ech of hom icristned was and to gode bileue com
Her of a[t] seinte Petres tid me singþ in Holy Churche
Amang þe miracles þat oure Louerd for seinte Peter gan werche
Seinte Peter prechede aboute and baptisede vaste
He rerde churches manion maumes adoun he caste
Þe king Eroudes him let seche & þo he was ifonde
He nom him and into strong prison broȝte him faste ibonde
Kniȝtes he sette him to wite in prison þere he lay
Þis godeman lay þere in pine & itormented moni o day
Erodes let crie a day þat is men amorwe come
Forto deme seinte Peter and quelle him þoru dome
Þat cri was sone wide ibroȝt þat Peter ssolde amorwe
To deþe be[o] ibroȝt þoru iugement þat noman nessolde him borwe
In prison he was wel uaste iwust & Holi Churche uaste
Bad God for him niȝt & day þat hurde hom attelaste
For þe niȝt þat he ssolde amorwe þane deþ þoru dom auonge
He lay slepe faste ibonde wiþ tweie raketeien stronge
Bitwene tweie kniȝtes þat him weste oþer wiþoute were
To wite þe dore faste inou [] þat he ne ofscapede þere
An angel þer com wiþ liȝt of heuene & smot him in þe side
Aris up he sede & go wiþ me þou nesselt no leng abide
Þo he aros up is ueteres þat he was wiþ ibonde
Fram him hupte boþ anon and fel adoun to gronde
Don þi cloþes quaþ þe angel and al ȝare make þe
Don þi gurdel and þi sson and com and siwe me
Seinte Peter stod in þoȝte of þe angel þat com him to


He ne wende noȝt þat it were soþ ac þat him matte so
And naþeles he wende forþ mid him hi passede in a stonde
Boþe þe warden of þe kniȝtes þe uerste & þe seconde
To irene ȝet hi come sone þat touward þe toune stod
Aȝen hom it openede him sulf for oure Louerdes miȝte is god
Þer þoru hi wende wel baldeliche and so to a stretes ende
Þe angel him let þo iworþe and fram him aȝen gan wende
To soþe ichot nouþe quaþ seinte Peter þat oure Louerd me sende her
His angel to deliueri me of Herodes poer
Þis was a Lammasseday we holdeþ ȝute þulke feste
Of þulke miracles þulke day þoru Holy Churches heste
Seinte Peter wende forþ as in priuete
To sein Iones moder hous Marie Salome
Þere were monie of þe apostles in orisons ibroȝt
For seinte Peter forto bidde hi nuste him so nei noȝt
Seinte Peter com to þe dore he gan to hote undo
A maide þat was Rode icluped wel sone com þerto
Þo heo it weste þat he it was he[o] nemiȝte for ioie noȝt
Abide forto vndo þe dore þat he were in ibroȝt
Ac orne in and tolde þe apostles uore þat Peter was icome
Þe apostles sede heo was wod & hure wit was bynome
Seinte Peter stod wiþoute and atte dore bet faste
Þe apostles sturte & let him in & þat soþe fonde attelaste
Þer was cussinge & ioie inou among þe apostles alle
Seinte Peter hom tolde uore hou it was of hom biualle
Ȝurne hi herede Iesu Crist for miracle þat hi seie
And onured euereft þulke day as we doþ ȝut wel heye
Þe king Erodes amorwe þo hi togadere come
Nobliche he sat inis chaere to ȝiue Petres dome


Þo þe gailers þat him weste and þe kniȝtes hadde forlore
Þo hi nemiȝte it hele noȝt þe king hi tolde uore
For wraþþe þe king was nei wod sorwe he made inou
Þe wardeins he let nyme adoun ac men sede it was wou
Sire hi sede þou miȝt be[o] siker þoru hom nas it noȝt
Ac Godes strengþe is more þan þin þat him haþ out ibroȝt
Erodes nolde bileue is fare ar an angel fram heuene com
And smot him þat he uel þer doune & ȝaf him is owe dom
For þer he walwede as a wrecche to is bed he was ibore
In strong deþ he deide þe vifte day is poer was sone forlore
Oure Louerd soffreþ awile is fon here aȝen him fiȝte
Attelaste he smit wel harde wanne he cudde is miȝte
Seinte Peter wende aboute wide to prechi Cristendom
Þoru is prechinge mony lond to oure Louerdes lawe com
In þe lond of Antioche he prechede attelaste
Þe folke was þere misbiluued & stode aȝen him uaste
Teophele þe prince of þe lond to seinte Peter com
And let him binde as a þeof for he prechede of Cristendom
And þat folk ek to ssende him aboute him gan þicke wende
And nome to rede in wuche manere hi miȝte him mest ssende
A croune hi ssere him upe þe pol as hi wolde a fol do
To ssewy þat he was a fol and to ssende him also
Nolde he neuere eft afterward is croune bileue vnssore
And þo he was suþþe pope of Rome he porueide þeruore
Þat al þe lymes of Holy Churche clerkes þat were
Icrouned were as he was Holy Churche to lere


Þulke manere is ȝute iholde ac [ho] so wolde wel do
Þat is icrouned as he was of is liue ssolde be[o] also
Þus was seinte Peter ferst icrouned him to ssende
And þei it were to ssennesse to manssipe it gan wende
Þo hi hadde ido him ssame inou þe prince attelaste
Let him binde faste inou and in strong prison caste
Þere wiþoute mete & drinke he let him longe faste
Þat he was wiþ honger so ouercome & of deþe he him agaste
Ȝeorne he bad oure Louerd him helpe gret deol to him he nom
Oure swete Louerd is miȝte cudde & to him fram heuene com
Peter he sede wy wenestou nou þat ich habbe forȝute þe
Wi bileuestou þine bileue and trist so lite to me
Trist to me wiþoute wanhope and icholle nei þe beo
Wiþ þis word oure Louerd wende he nemiȝte him þo namore iseo
Seinte Peter hopede þo of prison be[o] ibroȝt
Ac ȝute he bileuede þer and failede of is þoȝt
Sein Poul hurde her of telle as he wende aboute
To Teophele þe prince he wende anon among is men so proute
He sede he was a carpenter sley mon and queinte
No carpenter in þe lond he nedoutede in no pointe
And naþeles war he sede soþ ne can ich þe telle noȝt
I ne leoue noȝt þat he wolde lye oþer þat it come inis þoȝt
Þe king was glad of such a man for he hadde to him neode
Wiþ þat he wolde wiþ him be[o] gret catel he gan him beode
After þat he was þuder icome ech wile hym þoȝte viue
Ar he weste of seinte Peter were he were alyue
He lokede is tyme stilleliche to him he gan go


He uond him nei ded & ouercome mid miseise & mid wo
For ioie [he] weop þo [he] him isei he nemiȝte a word speke
Sein Poul ek for deol weop is bendes he gan breke
And liþede wat he miȝte & made him drinke and ete
Þo is heorte was icome aȝen and igladed mid is mete
Hi custe and clupte wiþ glade heorte and weope boþe wel sore
Sein Poul him gladede þe wile he miȝte ac þo he nedeorste namore
Stilleliche he wende aȝen and to þe prince drou
Sire he sede þou ert man of gret nobleye inou
Þy poer is muche and þi nobleie þi godnesse aȝte beo þe more
Me þincþ o dede þat þou þincst þe aȝte rewe sore
Þat þou wolt holde so villiche þe man þat is so wis
In so vil prison & so strong ne ertou of greot pris
Parantre ȝif he were deliuered he miȝte þe gret god do
For me seiþ he haþ many a man iholpe & iheled also
Þat nis bote trufle quaþ þe prince for ȝif þat soþ were
Him sulue [he] wolde deliueri and noȝt ligge & pini þere
Certes sire quaþ sein Poul ich habbe ihurd telle ilome
Þat þe God on wan hi biluueþ þat þe Giwes so foule nome
He dude an eorþe al þat he wolde & helde men inowe
And naþeles he þolede ȝut þat þe Giwes him slowe
Paranter also þis godeman þei he be[o] of miȝte also
He wole wel for oure Louerdes loue þat me him pine do
For he þolede for him more and ȝaf him ensample þerto
Þerefore nerecþ þis godeman þei me him do wo
Ich hadde an sone quaþ þis prince þat is wel ȝore ago
Þat he deide & was ibured fortene ȝer and mo
Ȝif he þoru is Louerdes miȝte arereþ him to lyue


Ichelle deliueri him of prison & leþegi is benden bliue
And ichelle loke quaþ sein Poul ware he wole do þi bone
To seinte Peter he wende forþ & tolde him uore wel sone
Ich habbe he sede þe prince bihote þat þou sselt is sone arere
Þat icome is nou þat he deide into þe vifteþe ȝere
Mi leue broþer quaþ seinte Peter wel muche to me þat were
Ac to oure Louerdes miȝte þou wost wel bote lite þing it nere
Þe prince sende after seinte Peter wiþ gret folk he let him lede
To þe þrou þat þe child lay to proui þe miȝtfol dede
Seinte Peter nom up þat lid adoun he sat akne
Oure Louerd he bad is milce ssewe þat þe uolk it miȝte ise
Þe dede man in oure Louerdes name he het arise anon
He aros up hol and sond and touore al þat folk gan gon
And þonkede God þat he hurde seinte Peteres bone
Hor fole bileue he forsok and let him cristny sone
Þe prince and al þat oþer folk gret ioie wiþ alle made
Hore maumes hy forsoke sone and Cristendom bade
Icristned hi were alle sone and in þe place anon
A churche hi bigonne arere ar hi wolde þanne gon
Þe men of þe londe sone icristned were echon
Þe chirche hi rerde noble & hei of lim & of ston
Þo þe chirche was up irered swuþe noble & heie
An heie chaere amidde hi sette þat al þe men iseie
Þer uppe hi sette seinte Peter þat me miȝte him ise[o] wide
And hure also is prechinge aboute in euerich side
Nobliche þat folk honurede him as prince of Godes lawe


As hore maister vnder God hi were of him wel vawe
Al þe honur hi him dude þat me miȝte a manne do
Akneo hi sete and lotte on him and cride on him also
Þis bigan a seinte Peteres day þat comþ in Feuerer
And for honur of þulke feste among us we halweþ her
In þulke honur in þulke churche seinte Peter hi heolde faste
Seue ȝer and honurede him euere þe wile it laste
An[d] euere prechede seinte Peter þe deuel nedoutede he noȝt
He ne wende noȝt þanne [er] al þat lond in god point were ibroȝt
After seue ȝer he wende þanne and bad hom wel to do
And lede hore lif as he hom ladde & [beo] studefast also
Þer was wop and deol inou þo he fram hom wende
To prechi he wende in oþer lond as oure Louerd him sende
Þerto hadde þe deuel envie as he haþ to alle gode
Anne deciple he hadde in þe lond þat was a luþer fode
Symon Magus was is name þat worrede niȝt & day
Oure Louerd Crist and alle his and oure Louerdes lay
So uol of þe deuel he was þat þoru þe deueles miȝte
Godes sone he made him þat an eorþe among men aliȝte
Wonder miracle he dude inou stones liȝhe he made
Ymages speke & hondes singe & oþer þat men him bade
Addren of bras he made swie quike as þei hi were
His deciples he hadde into al þe lond þat folk uuel to lere
As God sende is deciples aboute to prechi god
He sende his to prechi vuel and manion hom vnderstod
Þo þe wrecche hadde vnderȝite wat seinte Peter hadde ido
And iturnd þat lond of Antioche envie he hadde þerto
Þuder he wende and mid les þat folk aȝen him he sende


And mid false miracles þat he dude aȝen him þat lond wende
Ac seinte Peter þuder suþþe sein Clementes fader sende
Þat þe lond eft to Gode turnde & Symon Magus ssende
Þe nexte time þat seinte Peter in þe lond suþþe com
Wiþ nobleie and gret honur þat folk efsone him nom
Vpe þe heie chaere hi sette him eft to hure efsone is lore
Ȝif he onurede him er muche hi dude þo wel more
His day me halt in Feuerer of þis honuringe also
For he was a[t] boþe times in heie chaere ido
Þo he hadde al þe lond ibroȝt ariȝt in Godes lawe
Fram hom he wende wiþ gret honur to Rome he gan drawe
Honured he was þere inou he prechede Cristendom
Pope he was imad of Rome þe uerste þat euere com
To be[o] heued of Cristendom fyue and twenti ȝer
He liuede suþþe he was pope wat elleswar & þer
Hit biuel þat Simon Magus to Ierusalem wende
And prechede faste luþer lawe as þe deuel him sende
Seinte Peter hurde telle þuder he wende faste
He prechede aȝen is falshede & oure Louerdes lawe forþ caste
[S]o þat þe hexte of þe lond a dai hadde inome
And hi ssolde desputi boþe and togadere come
Symon Magus him made ȝare and to þe place wende
Þat folk him siwede nobleliche and after Peter sende
Þo Peter com in atte dore pais be[o] her he sede
Mid alle men þat louieþ pais and hatieþ falshede
Boie we nabbeþ quaþ Simon to þi pais no neode
And wareso ssel contak be[o] me nessel no pais beode
For ȝif þer were bitwene us pes striui nemiȝte we noȝt
Inelle noþer pes ne reste ar þou be[o] to gronde ibroȝt
Wi ertou quaþ seinte Peter of pes adrad so sore


For pes is þere nis no sunne and þere is Godes lore
Bel amy quaþ Simon þou neseist noȝt aȝen me
Ich am God and Godes sone þat ichelle cuþe þe
Þe on wiþ wrong þe oþer wiþ riȝte desputede wel uaste
So þat Simon Magus ouercome was attelaste
His bokes he nom of is uoule art & amidde þe se caste
For nomon nessolde leorne is art for þerof he him agaste
To Rome he gan faste fle[o] and þo he þuder com
He made him God & Godes sone and worrede Cristendom
To Nero þat was emperor he wende and sone him sede
Þat Peter was a luþer man and prechede al falshede
Seinte Peter ssowede him to Rome sone he com
Forto ouercome is falshede and holde up Cristendom
He prechede faste as a Godes kniȝt he nebileuede for no doute
A bissop he made wiþinne toun and anoþer wiþoute
Þe popen were boþe after him sein Lin and sein Clete
Hi prechede faste alle þre[o] for noþing hi nelete
Þe emperor & Simon Magus bidaie and eke biniȝte
Fondede quelle seinte Peter ȝif hi cause finde miȝte
Fram heuene oure Louerd liȝte adoun to seinte Peter he sede
Þat hi fondede him to sle and þat he nessolde noȝt drede
Ichelle he sede tomorwe sende þi felawe hider to þe
Poul þat ȝe hardeliche boþe speke of me
Þe hardiore was Peter þo of þe siȝte þat he sei
And he weste wel eke also þat is endeday was ney
Þere fore he made sein Clement bi is day pope þere
Þat Holi Churche after him wiþoute heued nere
Þo sein Poul to him com hy prechede aboute faste
As oure Louerdes champions þe wile hore lif ilaste
Symon was wiþ þe emperor and þere he was iholde
As a god for is falshede hi were for him wel bolde


He made ofte him sulue as he wolde boþe ȝong & old
As an oldman and as a child þat was wel wide itold
Sire he sede to þe emperor þat þou þat soþe ise[o]
Þat inam no dedlich man ac þat ich soþ God be[o]
Let þy men smite of min heued & þe þridde day iwis
Fram deþe ichelle arise to liue as it mi riȝte is
Þe emperor het is men him sle to þe place me him broȝte
So gret poer he hadde of þe deuel þat gret wonder he wroȝte
For is forme he caste in a weþer for a weþer stod þere
Þat alle men wende þat þer stode þat he him sulf it were
Þe weþeres heued a man smot of þat he fel ded anon
Þo wende hi þat Symond it were þat þanne was igon
Hy wende and tolde þe emperor al þis Symon ysei
Þe tweie dawes he hudde him faste þat he necom noman ney
Ac þen weþer sone he nom and hudde him þere he lay
To þe emperor wel baldeliche he wende þan þridde day
Lo me her he sede aliue as ich bihet þe biuore
Go let gaderi my blod clene þat it ne beo forlore
For mony sik man it may ȝute helpe wanne ich am to heuene iwend
Þou sucst nou Godes sone ich am for men an eorþe isend
Þat folk honured him for God and wel muche of him tolde
Þat blod hi lete gaderi clene & in relikes forto holde
Seinte Peter and sein Poul aȝen him speke uaste
And ouercome is enchantement and is art attelaste
And prouede þat þer was on him tweie maner kunde ibroȝt
Kunde of man & of þe deuel & of God riȝt noȝt
As oure Louerd an eorþe hadde tweie maner kunde also
Kunde of God & of man þer wiþ was to deþe ido


Ichelle ȝou forbere quaþ Symon for ichelle be[o] ȝou euere hende
Ac a Domes day ichelle ȝou deme to pine wiþoute ende
Þere ichelle ȝoure wile ȝulde as riȝt is þat ich do
Ȝoure folie ichelle soffri awyle & of moni oþere also
Ac þat echman ise[o] þat ich am God ȝute ichelle do more
Þat child þat ȝe seoþ ȝend ded þat me wepeþ fore so sore
Fram deþe ichelle him to liue arere nemiȝtou noȝt Peter so
Weþer of us þer of failleþ to deþe ssel be[o] do
Þe emperor het þat weþer of hom þat child nererede noȝt
Touore al þe folk in þe place to stronge deþe were ibroȝt
Symon is enchantement uerst sede wiþ gret prute
Þat child he made þoru þe deuel is heued wawe a lute
Þo was of þe luþer men þat cri wel heie anon
Þat Peter was ouercome hy wolde him hene wiþ ston
Nay abideþ quaþ seinte Peter yseoþ þat soþe echon
Ȝif he is to liue ibroȝt let him speke and gon
Þo he nemiȝte go ne speke ac lai ded as he dude er
Symon was awei ilad to fondi Peter is poer
Ver fram [þe] child Peter stod loude he gan to grede
In þe name of Iesu Crist aris up child he sede
Mid þulke word þat child aros & hol & sound up stod
And herede ȝerne Iesu Crist þat boȝte us mid is blod
Þat folk wolde Symon todrawe & hene him wiþ stone also
Nay nay quaþ seinte Peter so ne ssolle ȝe noȝt do
For to is pine it is inou þat he sucþ him sulf ouercome
And Iesu Cristes miȝte wexe and is owe poer bynome
For oure Louerd us het þat we ssolde god for uuel do
And ȝaf us þerto god ensample bi Symon we wolleþ also
Nou non Peter quaþ Symon naue þou none doute


Me ne deineþ noȝt ȝiue þe to ȝere þat þou hontest aboute
Wenste me deiny ȝiue þe þe croune of martirdom
Þou hopest for noȝt & Poul ek þi felawe þat to þe com
Þou nesselt neuere quaþ seinte Peter no godnesse abide
For it is al fals þat þou seist and also þe ssel bitide
Symon hadde a gret dogge kennore ne miȝte be[o] non
He teide him biuore a dore þer Peter ssolde gon
Icholde he sede þat þis trichor hereuorþ sone wende
Me þencheþ wonder bote þis dogge is olde limes torende
Þe dogge þo seinte Peter com vaunede on him anon
And lickede him wiþ gret ioie and wolde wiþ him gon
Þo seinte Peter him hadde vnteid forþ wiþ him he wende
A uot he nolde fram him gon woder so he kende
So þat Symon aȝen him com and chidde wis honde
Þe dogge sturte anon to him and braid him doun to gronde
Astrangli he wolde him anon ac Peter aȝen him drou
Is cloþes he hadde er todrawe wiþ ssennesse inou
Ac euere me þencheþ al to lite þat he nadde forbite is þrote
Hou þencheþ ȝou segge ich soþ nadde it noȝt be[o] note
Þat folk & ȝonge children ek þane wrecche bigonne to poune
Mid ssennesse as it were a wolf hi driue him out of toune
Nou an alle deuelwey and ne come he neuere aȝen
Wy sitte ȝe so stille wi ne segge ȝe amen
Al a ȝer awey he was þat noman ne sei him þere
Þe deuel he clupede ofte him to þat ssolde him bet lere
He studede aboute is enchantement & þo him þoȝte he couþe inou


As a gret maister wiþ gret prute aȝen to Rome he drou
Þe emperor for is wicchinge made wiþ him gret feste
Þat folk com alday to him þoru þe emperors is heste
And seinte Peter was eke þere & Symon stod alone
And prechede of þe deueles lore amidde hom euerichone
Ich am he sede fram heuene aliȝt for loue of mankunne
Ac ich finde þe worlde so fol of wrechede & of sunne
And þe men of Galile iwraþþed me habbeþ also
Þat inelle here noleng bileue mankunne god to do
Þe worles dwele þat ich ise[o] i ne kepe namore in munde
To min owene heuene wende ychelle þer is mi riȝte cunde
Þe luþer men þat luuede him wope on him and cride
Certes he sede it is for noȝt inelle noleng abide
Ac ȝe þat wolleþ me serui wel after ȝe solleþ wende
Aȝen icholle come men to deme atte worles ende
Vpe þe hul of Capitoille he wende attelaste
Vpe þe cop of an hei tour þat folk him siwede faste
A uair croune he sette up is heued up he flei wel heie
Men cride on him as on a god þat stode and iseie
Nero sede to þe apostles trichors boþe ȝe beoþ
Ac Symon is soþ fast god as we nouþe iseoþ
Ȝe abideþ quaþ seinte Peter God is help is ney
He wende & stod amidde & biheld up anhey
Ȝou deuelen he sede þat him bereþ ich coniuri ȝou alle
In þe name of Iesu Crist þat ȝe lete him adoun valle
Donward mid þulke worde he com seily anon
And fel doun þat al he todrof fleiss and fel & bon
Wat is nou sire wilde gos woder hadde he iþoȝt
His feþeren were alle to feble is art ne halp him noȝt


He fel doun to is owe kunde as he moste nede
Hail min ape wat wolde he þer him com sone is mede
Four deuelen þat him bere anhei is soule to helle bere
Atte nende God is euere aboue as it was isene þere
Gret deol made þe emperor þo he sei þis cas
In gret wraþþe he swor anon þat þoru wicchinge it was
Peter he dude in strong prison and as we findeþ iwrite
Proces and Marcinian he tok him to wite
Sone iseie þis tweie kniȝtes þat hore bileue nas noȝt
Þoru seinte Peter hi were sone to Cristendom ibroȝt
Hi vnbunde him & let him go woder he wolde aboute
And he wende forto prechi more watloker þanne for doute
So þat he com wiþoute Rome to þe ȝat of Apie
And þere is nou a churche arered of seinte Marie
Þere oure Louerd com him aȝen Peter him sei anon
Louerd he sede wat is þi wille woder woltou gon
Peter Peter quaþ oure Louerd as hi togadere stode
Ich go to Rome forto be[o] idon eft on þe rode
Þo vnderstod seinte Peter þat it was bi him ised
And þat it was oure Louerdes wille þat he were for him ded
Anon he and seinte Poul wende aȝen to Rome
So þat þe emperor hom weste his men hom sone nome
Hore face ssinde as þe sonne þo hi were ibroȝt to dome
Þe luþer men þat hom weste witles nei bicome
Ȝe lechors quaþ þe Iustice ȝe deliteþ muche wiþ alle
In ȝoure foule lecherie and also ȝou ssel biualle
Nai certes quaþ seinte Peter inabbe delit non
Bote on þe rode þat mi Louerd Iesus was on idon
And þou sselt þanne quaþ þe Iustice on þe rode be[o] ido
As he was ipined quaþ Peter icholde ich miȝte also
Þe emperor het is tormentors as hi touore him stode
Poul is heued smite of and Peter do on þe rode


Glade were þis holymen þo hi hurde hore dom
Þe prece of luþer tormentors wel þicke aboute hom com
Hi boffetede hom vnder þe ere & spatte on hom aboute
Nadde þe apostles for al þis of þe deþ no doute
Cristen men com eorne faste and cride & wope sore
Þe appostles hom bede bliþe be[o] & to wepe namore
Þe tormentors in one stude þe apostles quelle nolde
Hi come to an stretes ende þere hi to parti ssolde
Hi custe hom and wope sore and wiþ gret deol wende ato
Ac hi were þer after sone togadere in heuene ido
Þo seinte Peter was ibroȝt to deþe wiþoute toun
He bad þe men þat hi sette þe rode up þe doun
Mi Louerd he sede euene upward þer on was ido
And certes ynam noȝt worþe þat ich be[o] also
Þe tormenturs þe rode turnde & þerto faste him bonde
And nailede ek is fet upward is heued toward þe gronde
And so hi dude him pine inou þat blod orn doun faste
Louerd strong was is pine þe wile is lif ilaste
Muche was þe deol of Cristene men as hi þer bi stode
Angles hi seie manion come aboute þe rode
Wiþ briȝte rose & lilien þat oure Louerd þuder sende
Seinte Peter herede God & to heuene wiþ hom wende
Þis was vif and þritti ȝer & a quarteron þerto
After þat oure swete Louerd to deþe was ido
Pope he was viue and twenti ȝer Holy Churche to wite
And nou he berþ heuene keie as it is of him iwrite
Cristen men awaitede hore tyme þo hi imartred were
Þe holy bodies hi nome boþe and togadere bere
In a put wiþoute toun eiþer bi oþer faste
For hy nedorste in non oþer stude hi burede hom attelaste
Swuþe longe hi leie þer for hi nere bote lite isoȝt


And Cristendom istabled was and into al þat lond ibroȝt
Attelaste þo Cristene men hore bones fonde þere
Hy nuste hou þat soþe iwite wuch oþer were
Mid fastinge and mid orisons oure [Louerd] hi bede faste
Þat he hom teiȝte som toknynge a uois com attelaste
And sede þat þe more bones þe prechors were
And þe smallore þe vissares in such manere he gan hom lere
Þo þonkede hi ȝeorne God of þis uaire toknynge
Þe smallore bones and þe more hi lete togadere bringe
Þat ȝute beoþ a[s] relike iwest þoru Holy Churches lore
Þe lasse were seinte Petres and sein Poules þe more
Sein Fronton [þ]e holyman þo hi ymartred were
Prechede ver in oþer lond and þo [i]sei he þere
Angles to heuene hore soule bere þat folk he tolde fore
Certes he sede nou ich habbe mine maistres boþe ilore
For seinte Peter and seinte Poul riȝt nou ymartred beoþ
For mid hore beire soule nou [angles] to heuene fleoþ
He bigan a churche of seinte Peter in þe place anon
Þat ȝute stont faire arered of lim & of ston
Seinte Petres churche þe olde me clupeþ hure ȝute þere
For he was bigonne þe uerste day þat hi imartred were
Nero þe luþer emperor þat let hom martiri beie
Þer after sone him sulf aslou and wende in þe deueles weie
And þerto he was god inou and euere worþe him wo
Wi nolle ȝe bidde God þat so fare mo
Seinte Peter þat heuene keie witeþ þoru Godes grace
Grante us þuder forto come & þer inne habbe a place