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Fourth Sonnet.

[Onely Joy, now here you are]


Onely Joy, now here you are,
Fit to heare and ease my care;
Let my whispering voyce obtaine
Sweete rewards for sharpest paine:
Take me to thee, and thee to mee:
No no no no, my Deare let bee.



Night hath closde all in her cloke,
Twinckling starres love thoughts provoke,
Danger hence good care doth keepe,
Jealozie himselfe doth sleepe:
Take mee to thee, and thee to mee:
No no no no, my Deare let bee.


Better place no wit can finde
Cupids knot to loose or binde,
These sweete flowers, our fine bed too,
Us in their best language wooe:
Take me to thee, and thee to mee:
No no no no, my Deare let be.


This smal light the Moone bestoes,
Serves thy beames for to disclose,
So to raise my heart more hie;
Feare not, els none can us spie:
Take me to thee and thee to mee.
No no no no, my Deare let bee.


That you heard was but a mouse,
Dumbe Sleepe holdeth all the house,
Yet a sleepe (me thinkes) they say,
Yong fooles, take time while you may:
Take me to thee, and thee to mee.
No no no no, my Deare let bee.


Niggard time threates if we misse
This large offer of our blisse,
Long stay ere she graunt the same:
Sweet then, while ech thing doth frame
Take me to thee and thee to mee.
No no no no, my Deare let bee.


Your faire Mother is a bed,
Candles out, and curtaines spred;
She thinkes you doo letters write:
Write, but first let me endite.
Take mee to thee, and thee to mee:
No no no no, my Deare let be.



Sweete, alas why strive you thus?
Concord better fitteth us;
Leave to Mars the force of hands,
Your power in your beautie stands.
Take me to thee, and thee to mee.
No no no no, my Deare let bee.


Woe to mee, and doo you sweare
Me to hate but I forbeare?
Curst be my destnies all,
That brought mee so high to fall:
Soone with my death Ile please thee.
No no no no, my Deare let bee.