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The Poetical Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden

With "A Cypresse Grove": Edited by L. E. Kastner

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[Triumphing Chariots, Statues, Crownes of Bayes]

Triumphing Chariots, Statues, Crownes of Bayes,
Skie-threatning Arches, the Rewards of Worth,
Workes heauenly wise in sweet harmonious Layes,
Which Sprights diuine vnto the World set forth:
States, which ambitious Mindes with Blood doe raise
From frozen Tanais to Sunne-gilded Gange,
Giganticke Frames held Wonders rarely strange,
Like Spiders Webbes, are made the Sport of Dayes.
All only constant is in constant Change,
What done is, is vndone, and when vndone,
Into some other Fashion doth it range:
Thus goes the floting World beneath the Moone,
Where for (my Minde) aboue Time, Motion, Place,
Thee raise, and Steps vnknowne to Nature Trace.