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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 106. Confitemini.



The Lord is good, with thankes confesse,
his Mercy hath no end:


The Lords great powers who can expresse?
who all his praise commend?


What blessings kept for them remaine,
that Judgements keepers are!
For him, that Justice to maintaine,
at all times sets his care!


Remember, Lord, I numbred be
with them thou tak'st to grace:
With thy Salvation visit me,
with thy choice people place.


To see what blessings by thy choice,
thy chosen flocke have got:
And with thy Nations joy rejoyce,
and glory in their lot.


We, with our fathers sinfully
transgrest have every one;
Committed like iniquitie,
as wickedly have done.


Thy wonder-passing wonders past,
which Egypts plagues could find,
Our fathers did not wisely cast,
nor compasse in their mind.
Thy many Mercies held no plea,
from their remembrance fell;


But they (revolters) at the sea,
(the red sea) did rebell.


Yet for his Names sake, not the lesse,
was he their Saviour:
His Mercy, as they must confesse,
to make them know his power.


The red seas course he backe did keep,
and with rebuke represse:
He led them dry-foot through the deep,
as through the wildernesse.


And so he set them all on land,
in safety from the foe;
And from their haters harmfull hand
redeem'd, and let them goe.


Their troublers, by the waters fall,
were all of life bereft;
The waters overwhelm'd them all,
not one of them was left.


With them his words then credit got,
they sung his praise to height:


But all in haste his workes forgot,
his counsells would not wait.


So in the wildernesse, at last,
upon them came their lust;
And in the Desert, Gods fore-cast
they tempted with distrust.


And food he gave them at their call,
above their lusts content:
But loathing leannesse therewithall
into their soule he sent.


They weari'd Moses with complaint,
in their envious mood;
And Aaron, of the Lord, the Saint,
within the Camp withstood.



The mother-earth that Rebells hates,
an open grave did rive;
Where Dathan and Abirams Mates
were swallowed up alive.


And fire from Heaven that kindled came
on their rebellious crew;
Burnt up the wicked in the flame,
their furious treasons due.


They made a Calfe in Choreb Mount,
ador'd a molten Masse:


Their glories type, to base account,
turn'd Oxe, that eateth grasse.


And God their Saviour they forgate,
his Armes remembrance gone,
That had so mighty things of late
for them in Egypt done.


Workes wondrous, for a world of graves,
in Chams un-peopled coast;
And fearfull, for the red sea waves,
that sav'd, that drown'd, an host.


And to destroy them in his mood,
flew out his wrathfull speech,
Had not his chosen Moses stood
before him in the breach.


His milder temper, mixt with zeale,
Gods wrath, so hot that burn'd;
With hard entreaty did congeale,
and from corrupting turn'd.


They of desire despis'd the land,
beleeving not his word;
But in their tents in tumult stand,
and will not heare the Lord.


Against them therefore urg'd, aloft
he lifted up his hand,


To overthrow them threatned oft,
in that forsaken land.


Among the Nations, not their owne,
to fell their rootlesse seed;
And in the lands, to them unknowne,
to fanne their exil'd breed.


And to Baal Phegors Idoll-head,
they joyn'd themselves amaine,
The offrings eating of the dead,
to powers Infernall slaine.


Thus they to anger him provoke,
with Rites that they invent;
And in the plague upon them broke,
their follies punishment.


Then stood up Phineas in pursuit
of Cosbies carnall sin;
His hand did Judgement execute,
so was the plague call'd in.


The Author of so just a deed,
his Justice did commend:
From age to age that shall succeed,
whose praise shall never end.


They vext him at the flouds of strife,
with Moses ill it went:
For them he had a weary life,
and for their sakes was shent.


Because his spirit they did provoke,
and him to murmure prest;
That unadvisedly he spoke,
and with his lips transgrest.


The Nations did they not destroy,
of whom the Lord had said,
Nor land, nor life let them enjoy,
his charge they disobey'd.



But mingled with the Heath'ns they were,
to learne their workes tooke care:


To serve their Idolls well could beare,
which were to them a snare.


The bloud of sons and daughters slaine,
on Divels Altars stood:
Of Innocents the bloudy staine
of sons and daughters bloud.
Whose limbes their Divellish-led desire
with murthrous hand had pil'd;
To Cana'n-Idolls burnt with fire,
the Land with bloud defil'd.


With works their own thus were they stain'd,
on them their zeale they spent:


As their Inventions entertain'd,
a whoring thus they went.


The fury therefore of the Lord
against his people burn'd:
His owne Inheritance abhorr'd,
his love to loathing turn'd.


He gave them up to Tyran's law,
into the Heathens hand;
That whom they hated held in awe,
and Lord-like might command.


By enemies, with humbling strokes,
opprest and bow'd they were:
Whose hand on them laid heavie yokes,
above their strength to beare.


Them many a time did he redeem,
but they eftsoon begin;
And of their counsells more esteem,
though humbled for their sin.


Yet when he saw their hard restraint,
how their afflictions grew;


Then hearkning he to their complaint,
his chastisement withdrew.


His Covenant did he beare in mind,
that he with them had strooke;
On them his many mercies kind,
repentant pity tooke.


He gave them to the tender eare
of their Commanders will:
Made them, to whom they captives were,
their eyes with favours fill.


Proceed, O Lord our God, to save,
from Heath'ns our heads to raise,
That praise thy holy Name may have,
we glory in thy praise.


The Lord the God, of Israel King,
be blest eternally:
Amen, let all the people sing,
all Halelu-jah cry.