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Minerva Britanna

Or A Garden of Heroical Deuises, furnished, and adorned with Emblemes and Impresa's of sundry natures, Newly devised, moralized, and published, By Henry Peacham

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Distantia iungo.

To the thrice Noble, and exellent Prince: Ludowick Duke of Lennox
Nor may my Muse greate Duke, with prouder saile,
Ore-passe your name, your birth, and best deserts:
But lowly strike, and to these cullors vaile,
That make ye yet belou'd in forrein partes,
In memorie of those disioined heartes:
Of two great kingdomes, whom your grandsire wrought,
Till Buckle-like, them both in one he brought.
Mild Peace heerein, to make amendes againe,
Ordaines your daies ye shall dispend in rest,
While Horror bound, in hundred-double chaine,
At her faire feete, shall teare her snakie crest,
And Mars in vaine, with Trumpet sterne molest
Our Muse, that shall her lostiest numbers frame,
To eternize your STEVVARTS Roiall name.