A Sonnet to Chanceller Maitlane:
Vigiliæ nostræ
If he who valliant euen within the space
That Titan six tymes twise his course does end
Did conquise olde Dame Rheas fruictfull face
And did his raigne from pole to pole extend
Hade thought him happier if that greeke hade penn'd
His worthie praise who traced the Troiane sacke
Then all his actes that forth his fame did send
Or his triumphant trophees might him make.
Then what am I who on Pegasian backe
Does flee amongs the Nymphes immortall faire
For thou ô Maitland does occasion take
Euen by my verse to spreade my name allwhere
For what in barbarous leide I blocke and frames
Thou learnedlie in Mineru's tongue proclames.
Olet lucernam certé, nam cum lucerna excogitatum fuit.