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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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Was born at "Auburn," in the county of Westmoreland, Virginia.
His father is Landon C. Berkeley, born in Hanover county, Virginia,
November, 1818, represented the counties of Westmoreland and Richmond
in the Virginia legislature some years, served as lieutenant in the
15th Virginia Infantry, C. S. A., now living in Hanover county. Lewis


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Berkeley, of "MonTont," Hanover county, was the grandfather of
Landon Carter. His mother was Miss Sarah A. Campbell, born at
"Kirnon," Westmoreland county, June 24, 1820, died at "MonTont,"
November 21, 1885. She was the daughter of John Campbell, a son of
Rev. Archibald Campbell, of Scotland. At Fork Church, Hanover
county, Virginia, September 8, 1880, Rev. R. R. Claiborne officiating,
Landon Carter Berkeley, jr., wedded Annie Poe Harrison, who was born
at "Dewberry," Hanover county, September 9th, 1856. They have two
children, Harrison Campbell and Annie Churchill. Mrs. Berkeley is the
daughter of John Poe Harrison, who held commissions of captain and
colonel in the Confederate States Army, and died in service in the fall of
1861. Her mother, Nanny, daughter of Rev. John Cook of "Dewberry,"
Hanover county, lives now in Danville.

After completing his school course, the subject of this sketch was four
years a teacher in the Episcopal High School, near Alexandria, Virginia.
He studied law privately, and in the summer law school of the University
of Virginia in 1874, and commenced the practice of law at Danville,
in 1876, where he has resided and continued in practice ever since.
John L. Berkeley, a soldier of the late war and a member of the
hanover Artillery, brother of Mr. Berkeley, was wounded in battle of
Cold Harbor, gunshot wound in right hip, June 3d, 1864. He is now
principal of the Danville white free school.