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5 occurrences of dabney
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5 occurrences of dabney
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Page 76



From March 1st, 1887, to March 1st, 1888, gifts have been received from

  • State Department, Washington, D. C.

  • Treasury Department, Washington, D. C.

  • War Department, Washington, D. C.

  • Navy Department, Washington, D. C.

  • Interior Department, Washington, D. C.

  • Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C.

  • Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.

  • Depart. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.

  • Augustus H. Strong, D. D., Rochester, N. Y.

  • Dr. James L. Cabell, University of Virginia.

  • G. & C. Merriam & Co., Springfield, Mass.

  • Hon. H. H. Riddleberger, M. C., Virginia.

  • T. H. Flood & Co., Chicago, Ill.

  • Hon. Wm. Mahone, M. C., Virginia.

  • E. W. Tullidge, Esq., Salt Lake City, Utah.

  • Registrar, Geolog. Survey Office, London.

  • Board of Examiners of Med. Coll., Cal.

  • State Library of South Carolina.

  • Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md.

  • Hon. J. L. Buchanan, Superintendent of Public
    Instruction, Virginia.

  • Gen. S. V. Benét, Chief of Ord., U. S. Army.

  • Dr. T. E. Stratton, Richmond, Va.

  • Astronomical Observatory of Harvard Univ.

  • Prof. John R. Page, University of Virginia.

  • Col. H. R. Thuillier, R. E., Surveyor General
    of India.

  • Joseph A. Waddell, Esq., Staunton, Va.

  • R. Pearsall Smith, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa.

  • Union League Club, New York. N. Y.

  • Prof. James M. Garnett, University of Virginia.

  • Ernest M. Stires, a Student, Norfolk, Va.

  • Michigan State Agricultural College.

  • Harvard College Library.

  • J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

  • Illinois State Library.

  • University of Wisconsin.

  • Francis Wharton, LL. D., Washington, D. C.

  • Royal Society of Canada.

  • Argentine Meteorological Office.

  • Argentine National Observatory.

  • Cobden Club, London.

  • State of Virginia.

  • Hon. J. R. Tucker, Virginia.

  • Sidney D. Maxwell, Esq., Cincinnati, O.

  • Prof. C. S. Venable, University of Virginia.

  • Rev. George B. Taylor, D. D., Rome, Italy.

  • Theodore Sutro, Esq.,

  • Hon. M. Romero, Mexican Minister, Washington,
    D. C.

  • Hon. John Paul, Harrisonburg, Va.

  • Universidad Central, Madrid, Spain.

  • Croton Aqueduct Commissioners, New York.

  • R. G. H. Kean, Esq., Lynchburg, Va.

  • Argentine Republic, South America.

  • U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C.

  • British Geological Survey Office.

  • Rev. Joseph W. Bozeman, Meridian, Miss.

  • D. S. Piper, Esq., Topeka, Kansas.

  • Profs. Stone and Thornton, University of Va.

  • J. S. Lombard, M. D. London.

  • Dr. B. Rush Field, Easton, Pa.

  • Edmund Quincey, Esq., Boston, Mass.

  • Charles W. Kent, Ph. D., Louisa C. H., Va.

  • Central University, Madrid, Spain.

  • Saragossa University, Saragossa, Spain.

  • C. G. Helleberg, Esq., Cincinnati, Ohio.

  • Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, Mass.

  • J. W. Walton, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio.



Page 77


During the year ending January 1st, 1888, gifts have been received from

  • Observatory, Cordoba, Argentine Republic.

  • Observatory, Florence, Italy.

  • Observatory, Greenwich, England.

  • Observatory, Harvard College, Massachusetts.

  • Observatory, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Observatory, Milan, Italy.

  • Observatory, Morrison, Glasgow, Mo.

  • Observatory, Prague, Austria.

  • Observatory, Radcliffe, Oxford, England.

  • Observatory, St. Petersburg, Russia.

  • Observatory, Tacubaya, Mexico.

  • Observatory, Tempel, Rugby, England.

  • Observatory, Washburn, Madison, Wis.

  • Observatory, Washington, D. C.

  • Observatory, Yale University, Connecticut.

  • American Academy, Boston, Mass.

  • American Phil. Society, Philadelphia, Pa.

  • Astronomical Society, Leipzig, Germany.

  • Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soci. Chapel Hill, N. C.

  • Imp. Acad. of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia.

  • Italian Spectroscopic Society, Rome, Italy.

  • British Transit of Venus Committee.

  • Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C.

  • Chief Signal Officer of Army, Washington, D. C.

  • Nautical Almanac Office, Washington, D. C.

  • Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.

  • U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C.

  • Dr. W. Döllen, Pulkowa, Russia.

  • B. d'Engelhardt, Dresden, Germany.

  • Dr. A. Marth, London, England.

  • Dr. C. H. F. Peters, Clinton, N. Y.

  • Prof. E. C. Pickering, Cambridge, N. Y.

  • Dr. Hermann Struve, Pulkowa, Russia.

  • Dr. Otto Struve, Pulkowa, Russia.

  • Prof. C. S. Venable, University of Virginia.



    During the year ending March 1st, 1888, the following gifts have been received from

  • Mr. P. Casamajor, New York:—Samples of palm sugar (Jaggery) from India.
  • Dr. C. Fahlberg, Germany:—Specimens of "Saccharine."
  • W. H. Schieffelin & Co., New York:—Specimen of "salol."
  • E. Muck, New York:—Specimen of "antifebrine."
  • R. G. Salomon, Newark, N. J.:—Samples of kangaroo, porpoise, and other uncommon
    leathers and untanned skins.
  • Actiengesellschaft für Anilin-Fabrikation, Berlin:—Samples of "Congo red" and its derivatives.