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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. LXXXV.

The Argument.

Man here makth sute: for sinne who felt,
Deserued captiuitie:
And shewth what helth: Christs kingdom delt,
To mans felicitie.

Benedixisti domine.


Agaynst thy land: become thou art,
O Lord most gracious:
thou hast returnd: frō Iacobs hart,
his thraldom burdenous.


Thou hast forgeuen: thy peoples sinne,
that was so hugely growne:
Yea all theyr sinnes: thou couerdst in,
wherby thy grace was knowne.



Thou hast restraynd: thine heate all quyte,
from indignation:
Thou hast withdrawn: thy face and sight,
from wraths destruction.


Whole turne vs than: O God our wealth,
to grace that we conuert:
Remoue thine ire: impart thy health,
forgeue our foule desert.


Eternall God: agaynst vs thus,
for euer wilt thou threate?
Shalt thou thyne ire: stretch out to vs,
from age to age so great?


Uphold thy worde: to vs returne,
and quicken vs agayne:
So shall thy flocke: no longer mourne,
but ioy in thee full fayne.



Shew vs thy grace: O Lord of power,
that it we may perceyue:
And geue to vs: thy sauiour,
that health we myght receyue.


Plaine wyll I heare: what God shall speake,
for peace he shall denounce:
To all hys folke: and louers eke,
that they their vyce renounce.


All they no doubt: who will hym feare,
is hys saluation nye:
Hys glory than: shall iust appeare,
in all our land at eye.


Ryght frendlines: and veritie,
they shall ech others meete:
So ryghteousnes: and peace from hye,
shall kisse eche other sweete.


Known truth from earth: shal then out spring
wyth all good fruites aryght:
For ryghteousnes: all florishyng,
from heauen shall cast her sight.


Euen thus the Lord: shall manifest,
hys bounteous goodnes neare:
That full our land: wyth grace possest,
all godly frutes shall beare.


Ryght iustice eke: shall be hys guide,
that strait may good man walke:
His wayes and gate: her steps shall stryde,
no tyme the ryght to balke.