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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“Then Jesus beholding him, loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest,” —Mark, x. 21.

There yet are many such
Who keep in good degree the moral law;
Whose hearts have felt the touch
Of love divine which unto Christ would draw.


On whom a gracious Lord
Hath look'd with love which should their souls enthral;
To whom he would accord
The power to follow Him, forsaking all.
But, when the terms they hear,
They turn reluctant, sorrowful, away;
Something is still too dear,
For them such hard conditions to obey.
No common impulse mov'd
A proselyte so ardent, blameless, true;
Jesus beheld, and lov'd!
Yet the inquirer mournfully withdrew.
Withdrew, no more, perchance,
To hear those winning accents; or to see
That eye's persuasive glance,
Whose language said, “Leave all, and follow me!”
Oh, ye, who, like this youth,
In spirit have with the Redeemer met,
Believe the voice of Truth,
Pleading in love, “One thing is lacking yet.”


Forfeit not heavenly bliss,
Whate'er of earthly good your own ye call;
But know, that, lacking this,
Death will o'ertake you destitute of all!