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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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She then Resolv'd on last Assault, by Storm;
Madam (began) four years, I may inform
My Son and Self has waited for kind Grant:
You cannot now (this Age) be Ignorant.
Of your own Brest, what choice your Fancy pleases;
Brisoldan's Tall, to Manlike Frame encreases;
Shewn Excellence for Body's part and Mind,
And as the Sun still constant Servant shin'd.
To th' Globe beneath, proves (last) most faithful Lover:
Pray, now your Thoughts for clearest view discover.
Clermanthe when, with sob'rest, radiant Eyes,
Good, gentle voice (shunn'd Scornful part) replys.
Brisoldan may with far more ease, success
Seek other's Grant for Wedlock's Happiness.
I feel my Heart no way to Love dispos'd;
And when shall change, least Marriage-thought disclos'd.
Should Poise things well for that so prime Relation;
Conjoyn'd with all my Father's Approbation.
Such Looks and Words, shewn plain Refusing there,
Gondace now might Raise their Siege, Forbear.