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THESAURO-PHULAKION[Greek]: or, A treasury of divine raptures

Consisting of Serious Observations, Pious Ejaculations, Select Epigrams. Alphabetically rank'd and fil'd by a Private Chaplain to the Illustrious and Renowned Lady Urania The Divine and Heavenly Muse. The first part [by Nicholas Billingsley]

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100. Of the Authors of things, according to Scripture.

God by his pow'r (which may not be withstood,
Created all things admirably good:
He fram'd the first of men out of the ground,
Gave him a reas'ning soul, by which he found
Out many Arts and Sciences; none doubt
But Moses found the use of Letters out,
First Poesie compos'd, penn'd Histories:
Tubal the crooked Harp did first devise.
Musical Instruments David invented,
Philosophy in Jewry first was minted.
Egypt found Astrology, Arithmetick,
As also Medicine to heal the sick.
First were the Pers'ans fam'd for Magick Skill,
Moses first Law-giver divulg'd Gods will?
Egypt first own'd the Government by Kings;
The Hebrew Commonwealths; Servitude spring
From Canaan; the Jews the Year out found,
And its 12 months, before the world was drown'd
Meek Moses found out Instruments of War,
As Cain of Husbandry; first Vine-dresser
Old Noah was; Adam first names devis'd
For living things; Abel first sacrific'd.
Adam first cloath'd himself with Skins of beasts
Cain the first City built; of Ships and Chests
Noah was Author. Gods Church was at first
In Adams family, both bred and nurst.


The faithfuls Father first did circumcise;
Christs Herald John, did first of all baptize
With Baptism of repentance; Christ went higher,
Baptizing with the Holy Ghost and Fire.
By Moses, Aaron (so God appointed)
Was to the High-priests Office first anointed.
Noah first built an Altar to the Lord,
And thereon offred of his own accord,
An Holo-caust. The Prince of Hell the Devil,
He is the principle, and root of evil.

Of the first Authors of things, according to profane Authors.

The Æginetans first of all stamp'd Money;
First Aristeus taught the use of Honey.
The first Tooth-drawer Æsculapius was;
Anaximander found the Hour-glass.
Angæas (though a King) first dungd the ground;
The use of Bellows Anacharsis found.
Anchus of Ovens to bake Bread withal:
First Anagallis playd with Tennis-ball.
Architas, Rattles; Belgians Wains first made,
Boetius taught the Coblers subtile Trade.
Corses first shav'd his Beard; Dædalus Shops
Invented; Danaus Wells; Grecians Tops:
Icarus Sayls; Perillus Bulls of Brass;
Thon Drugs, Pan Pipes, Sinon the Looking-glass.
Phænicians Slings, Scythians Arrows, Bowes;
Cyneras Pinsers, Hammers, Anvils, Crowes


Devised first; no more I will make known,
Who would know more, may search

See Pliny, Polydore, Virgil, Panryrol, &c.

as I have done.