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Poems on Several Occasions

With Anne Boleyn to King Henry VIII. An Epistle. By Mrs. Elizabeth Tollet. The Second Edition

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Ye Nations all! whose various Climates glow
With sultry Suns, or freeze with solid Snow:
The Heav'n's eternal Law your Bounds divides,
With Range of Mountains or resounding Tides,
Let pious Joy your grateful Bosoms raise;
And join in Hymns of universal Praise.
Revere th' omnipotent, eternal King:
Parent divine, of Nature sacred Spring.
No heav'n-born Race, nor self-existent we;
His Word from nothing summon'd us to be:
His People we, his Flock peculiar Share
The plenteous Herbage, and the Pastor's Care.
With humble Joy and Veneration wait
To tread his Courts, and to approach his Gate:
Adore the sacred Name, from whose Dispose
An inexhausted Stream of Bounty flows.
While Ages roll his Mercy shall remain;
No Period limits his extended Reign:
His Truth shall last, while with successive Birth
The Race of Mortals shall renew the Earth.