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LXXXVIII. On English Mounsieur.
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LXXXVIII. On English Mounsieur.

Would you beleeve, when you this Mounsieur see,
That his whole body should speake french, not he?
That so much skarfe of France, and hat, and fether,
And shooe, and tye, and garter should come hether,
And land on one, whose face durst never bee
Toward the sea, farther than halfe-way tree?
That he, untravell'd, should be french so much,
As French-men in his company, should seeme Dutch?
Or had his father, when he did him get,
The french disease, with which he labours yet?
Or hung some Mounsieurs picture on the wall,
By which his damme conceiv'd him clothes and all?
Or is it some french statue? No: 'T doth move,
And stoope, and cringe. O then, it needs must prove
The new French-taylors motion, monthly made,
Daily to turne in Pauls, and helpe the trade.