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5. Persecutions.

We now approach to see her beauty more
In Persecutions that attend greate store
Which while she sighs at, and at all the sin
Some Drops of Justice sparkle do herein,
Which slipt between her fingers and we spy
The tears of griefe as pearls in Patience eye.
The Ten horns of the brindled beasts Curld head
The bottomless deep pit up vomited
Do gore the Saints of God and Crimson grow
My pensill will it draw out as I go
Which first will tell how others persecute
And then how these Ten horn such tunes do toot.
First see the Scene of Sorrows others raise
Ore which stands Patience in her blushing baise
While Anastasius Empires it you have
A Manichean Princk a painted grave
Of Envy and Perjur'd hypocrisy.
He Banisht Euphemy for piety
Brings Macedonius in a worthy one
Who by his wiles is also over thrown
Whom when he could not bring unto his bow
Gets some that slandrous Crimes upon him throw
And Charge him with adultery, the which
In open court to clear himselfe did twitch
His Coate aside, did prove the Charge a lie
Shewing his want of his Virility.
And then another noose is for him set
But in the same his head they cannot get
But yet it matters not, he is Exild
And murderd too at Sangra by their Wild
And many more must pledg him. Some they cover


In banishment: some one way, some another.
He banisht Flavian of Antioch
Elias of Jerusalem of broke
The Saints of Palestine exild, and wast
Untill Gods hand his Venom soule uncast.


Severe of Antioch the Jews imploide
Who by their aide in CetoSyria stroyd
More than three hundred monks, their Corps he made
Carion for Crows, the Temples wast he laid
Calades King of Persia's rage doth fry
Against Christs flock, and doth the same destroy.
Cuts out their tongues, who yet as pens descry
Spake perfectly. You have't as cheape as I.
Africk puts in her Martyrs Scrole now more
Than full nine hundred dying all in gore.
Here Thrasamund the Vandall king shuts up
The Temple doors: sends that bitter Cup
Of Banishment into Sardinia
Two hundred twenty bishops drank that day
A grievous brack at Rome that two popes made
Became a bitter spring of bloody trade
Each side did cruell Persecution fling
At others and much butchery did spring.
But pass we ore to Justines Scepter bright


Which in five hundred nineteenth year did light

A certain Jew who glori'd that he was
The son of Moses did to Negra pass
A City in Arabia Felix strong
Did summon Christians there from Christ to come
Which when he nought prevaild his tyranny
Did very many there sadly destroy.
And Arethas the Bishop of the place
A Crown of Martyrdom did there embrace.
When Thrasamund the Vandall King wagd war
With Cabaon the Moore and in this jar
Did enter Tripolis, in cruell fret
And all base injuries afoot did set
Prophaning of their Temple, did anoy
The ministers, scourging them cruelly.


But Justins sisters son Justinian

Five hundred twenty eight his realm began
The Analphabetist did well begin
A cruell punishment on varlets fling
And upon Pederasts, for off he parde
Their Genitalls as things that might be sparde
But after fell in th'Eutychean sties
And monstrous Covetous did up arise
His filching Craft did snuff the Wealthies' Light
The Empire to Mechanicks farmd out streight
Sold justice and for gain did theeves admit
Murders and Butcheries, plunders do sit
Unpunished and such as seek to fray
Away these mischiefs are soon made away.
And though he by John Patricks pains with aid
Dorotheus and Theophilus here made
The Roman Laws full easy (which possesst
Two thousand fifty Volumns) now new dresst



Which now come in small lumps and stild are thus

Digesta, some Pandecta. Welthy plush.
Or by the Lawyers now Justinians Laws
Yet after all is said he's filled with flaws.
Sore havock the Samaritanish Jews
By Julian their King make and did use
They temples barns and monuments with fire
Most Cruelly with tortures out do tire
The Christian now in Palestine and most
About Neople where they did disghost
Their Bishop with a sword: their pastors stroy
And cut to steaks in frying pans them fry
With martyres Relicks: at Cesaria
In Palestine all Christians down did slay.
The Vandalls kill King Childerick because
From banishment the godly saints he draws
And Gilimer with all his hellish wiles
Not gainings Saints from Christ them sadly spoiles,
Cuts out their tongues whom yet as authors tell
Who did behold it, they did speak right well.
The Jews again in Palestin do rise
The Temples burn, and bring great miseries
On Christians, the Lieutenant Stephen kill
And at Cesaria his state ceise still.
The Huns afflict the Churches sore in Greece
And Plunder do the Thracian Chersonese.
Justinian grows an Aphthartodokite
And doth against the Orthodox now fight
Exiles now Eutychius bishop grave
And Anastase from Antioch he drave
Had Death not quencht his cruelty and heat
And made his persecution to retreat.


Justinian dropping in Deaths pitfall and

His nephew nam'd Justinian too upstands
First liberall; but grew a Cormorant,
Did snuff the Silver Candles, shunning want,
Of Usurers and rich men, did excise
The Churches and men very poore likewise,
Cut of his Cousins Justins head asleep,
A worthy souldier, Alexandria weep.
Though many worthy things he did, yet hee
Did many Vex. Now Antioch shall see
Their Bishop Anastase Exiled upon
False Crimes, a trick delighting many dons.
Th'Armenians by Chosroes are distresst
Who to the Churches was a grievous pest.


Justinian languishing, Tiberius chose

And on him's Crown and Royall Coate bestows
With pious Exhortation in such wise
As shews that in repentance deep he lies
Chargd him beware that th'shady glitter fine
And sparkling Robe him cheat not with its shine.


As they have me who wretchedly now smart,
Correct my sins I pray: justice impart
To all and minde not these (pointing unto
His Princes and his Counsellours a row)
For they have ruind me (where at they all
Amaizd let store of trickling tears down fall.)
But see thou honour God and's Church which were
Before thy Mistress, now thy mother deare
Let each retain his own: give to the poore
Observe all others and thyselfe much more.
What thou once wast and whom thou now art minde
Let my Example have thy Eye, be n't blinde.
Remember whom I were just now before
And whom I at the present am therefore
And of these Exhortations a full Crop
From the Imperiall Lips a pace did drop.
Whereat Tiberius Cesar at his feet
Prostrates himselfe and gives out speeches sweet
If thou (saith he) dost please I am: but art
Not pleasd here with, I am not, but depart:
To which the Emperour replide, Let God
Who made both heaven and earth and all abroad
Imminde thee of all things that I have here
Forgot to speake, teach thee's most holy Feare
That all things may go prosperously with thee,
And that by him thou maist have happy glee;
Tiberius thus enthroned on doth go
Gent, Gentle, Modest, Courtious, Just also,
Wise, Liberall Mercifull, Godly, and Blesst
And Valourous, second to none, the best.
He Justins treasures scarcly justly got
Did to the poore most liberaly allot
But I forget my selfe. Patience smiles here.
Whereas I am to bottle up here tears
Which very many are whose scutchons hang
On those ten horns which on the Beasts head sprang.
The Persians war against him, hence great smart
By Persick hatred pierceth godly hearts.
But Good Tiberius we now entomb


And to his Cousin Maurice do presume,

Excelling in great Prudence, Piety,
Clemency, Valour, Liberality
And other Virtues in whose golden Rayes
The Church lay running in her Halcyon dayes
But black clouds do up spring the Persian ire
Doth wast Armenia by sword and fire
Doth Captivate bishops and people too
At Antioch Greg'ry doth meet with woe.
In Sicily Lieuetenant Theodore
Did vex the Christians and made many sore
Abusing of his power against the will
Of's Prince (as Courtiers oft do practice still)


A Persian woman namde Galanduch now
For many years all torments that allow
Great anguish hath sustaind because she would
Not from the Faith of Christ let go her hold,
A Crown of Martyredome most glorious gain,
After her grievous Sorrows doth obtain.
The other Exercise of Patience bright
Upon the Ten horn'd Dragons heads do light
Whereto my pen doth nimbly run ints race
There to adorn rich Patience with her grace.
The second sort of sparkling Gems we take
Out of the Crowns the ten Horns weare to make
Bright studs to shine in Patience's Crown most clear
Whose glory thus we give to shine out here.
Now first the Horn that gord the Alpine Coast
Of Rhetia Prima German Prime makes rost
Of the Bajorian Saints the Christians high
From Ratisbon and th'Contries all that ly
Verging thereon, they banish, wast and slay
Their Ministers, in Ashes temples lay.
Do freshen Hercules his worship, and
The Worship of the Heathens by the hand


Of Prince Theodo the Bajorian

This horned bull the furious head doth fan.
A second fury Patience mourns at stands
Upon the Horns of Ostrogoths, and spans
Now Italy, Province. Theodorick
Staind in the Arian Dy fat 'way doth kick
The Christian nobles Symmachus, Boece
Wise Consulls. John Rome's Bishop coming from out of Grece
With his Companions, Legates, prison'd are
Now at Ravenna and by stinck bad fare
Hunger and Thirst is slain and Orthodox
In all his Coasts he vexeth with a pox.
In th'second Justins day Totilas th'King
Gods Scourge did havock sore upon them bring
Prusium besiegd, the Bishop Herculane
Upon the Citie walls beheads when ta'ne
And fleys from Head to hell his skin off quite
And held his hide out for a shew or sight.
One of the soldiers, Arian wretch, slew all
Both Monks and Clericks in his hands that fall.
Cerbon Bishop of Populone because
He hid some Gottish souldiers, to the paws
Of a mad bare is Cast which did not bite
But lickt his feet spite of Totilas's spite.


This Horn yielding its seat's made Lombardine
Which ragde against Christs saints in King Alboine
Who entred Italy, swore he would put
All Christians to the sword, and them off cut
And fell upon the same, Temples destroy'd
Slay all the Priests, Hangd Monks on trees up tide,
Besiegd Millain, and taking it down fell
All Christian Citizens that in't did dwell.
Illyrian Christians now to feel this Lash
Against the Bishops of their Churches pass,
And Sicily is made to smart and Cry
Many a worthy saint in jayle did lie.
A third bright scutchon hung in Patience's Hall
Tost by the Westgoths Horn in Spain I shall
A little View as follows, For we finde
Almerick king in Arrian Cups unkinde,
Clotild his Queen of Faith true, Orthodox
He doth with various sorts of torments box
Whom as she often went to Christian Rites
With dung and all bad nasty things bedights.
At length he stripes her with such Cruelty
His handcarchief did in his Wife blood dy
Which he to Childebert her brother sends
Which bred a bloody war between them friends.
A Pagan Prince in Spain Abdila calld
To bitter persecuting Christ upcalld
An hundred armed ships at sea whose Chiefe
Commander Manucha a vile Catiefe
A most infested Enemy of Christ
Who to give idoll worship now an hoist
And root the name of Christ quite out of earth
The Abby of Casina stroys. Here birth
Is given to his works. All towns thereto
Belonging doth with fire and sword out do.
The Priests with various torments doth destroy
Placid the Martyre with two brethren ly,
One Virgin sister, three and thirty more
All at Massane most Cruelly in gore.
Hermingild too, King Lenichilds Choice Heire,
Wedding Jugund Segiberts daughter fair
Whom Eroiswinth the grandam kindly seems
To Welcom now with a pomp meet for a Queen
Yet when her Arrian flattring tongue doth meet
A Pious answer that her Faith should keep
Saying it me sufficeth once that I
Have in the Laver which doth purify
Of sacred Baptism from all the blot
Originall and have Confess'd (why not?)
The Holy Trinity in Unity
And in Equality, Her rage grew high


(I say now Hermingild) doth trouble Finde
For Eroiswinth as one of Venom minde
Doth snatch the Damsell by the hair and fell
Her to the ground, and playes the Jezabell
Doth spurn her, makes her all goar blood and bid
Strip, drown her in the fish poole and her rid.
But being saved by an hand divine
Her husband doth Convert by pious shine
Of Jugunds and Leanders sermons now
Bishop of Sevill from the Arrian slough.
Hence Levigild his Arrian Sire doth rage
By Threats and Promises to disingage
Him from the truth of Christ, all rotten twine
That Can do nothing. Then he takes this line
Doth abdicat him from the Kingdom and
Of all his goods doth spoyle him out of hand.
Invalid argument, hence on he goes
His neck and hands with irons loaded throws
Him into Prison very cruelly
And sent an Arrian Bishop to untie
His Arrian Points unto him preaching now
But all this Rhetorick he with his brow
Doth beate away (Dozde wood no building makes)
His Cruell Fathers Axe (Steele without flakes)
Is stronger argument. He gave Command:
And out he's brought at Easter (heavy hand)
To waite Christs passion, to the Scaffold led
The Fathers Axe Cuts of the Sons green head.
Oh! Cruell Father! Cruell Heresy!
Patiences Cheeks grow red and blush hereby
And Good Leander feels the Crabbid Claws
Of the old Lion, falling in his paws
And brave Jugund seing this tragedy
Attempts for France, doth to her Father fly.
But falling in the solders hands that kept
The Frontiers 'gainst the Goths, that 'gainst them stept:
By whom she with her babe is banished
To Sicily, which held her dying head,
Which being laid, her babe was had away
To Maurice, who his sun shine on't did lay,
But on the stage did at this season peer
A dismall rage against true Christians here,
In Spain raisd Exoiswinth who's otherwise
Calld Goiswint, author of these Miseries.
I to a fourth horn come on which doth ride
A glorious shine standing by Patience side
France Calleth Patience for her Garden breeds
This shining flower nigh smootherd 'mongst her Weeds.


And in the present limits up there buds
More horns than one (though they're hardly knubs)
But though they now finde one hath stumpt so wide
As in its bottom all the rest do hide
Yet then they sevrall were (though in the maw
Of one they ly as eaten Corn i'th'Craw)
And thus they on did go, and with their horn
Did fan the aire, as they Christ sheep have torn.
These with the Almans (two horns now) do joyn
With Gotths, have Captains Leuthar and Bultine
Two Almans, Italy invade, destroy
Their Temples; take their golden vessell, fy,
Defile their Temple do with Crhistian blood
Their bodies ly unburide (Judgments bud.)
Chilperick king of France doth pitch his nets
Hating his Brother Sig'bert king of Metz,
Commands his Eldest son Theodobert
By Andover his wife him up to girt,
And to invade his Kingdom which he did
And Tours, Pictou, and other Countries big,
He cruelly oppresses, Churches burns,
Their Abbies stroys, Monks from their lives he turns,
Their Virgins ravishes, days as bad sprang
As Diacletians or Maximians,
Did put away his Queen Andover cause
She was her Daughters godmother 'gainst Laws
Of Antichrist: which do forbid to ly
With goddam of her own posterity,
Did bannish too the Bishop who baptizd
The Child: this causd was by his harlot prizd,
Commanded t'kill King Sigibert his brother,
Is stild a Nero, Herod or such other;
His Cruell Tyranny on Christians fell
Full many like a flake of fire from hell.
The Bishops and the Ministers of Churches
He did revile and with all sort of lurches
And torments great did vex them as was wild
By Fredigund his Harlot therein skilld.
This Fredigund in boyling Malice steept
Gainst Wise Pretextate till its venom reeke
Did poyson so the King, that his hot ire
Him prison'd then exild him: and yet higher
For when, after some years, he was restord
To Rothomag his holy Zeale implor'd
Her in his Sermons to Repent which lance
Upon her perboild Envie's bag did chance
To let it out so that she hireth some
The next Lords day to stob him which is done,
While in Gods worship he engagued was
Which being done it also came to pass


The Church at Rothomag is all in black
And one Chief senator smites on her back
Her bloody fact, whose tongue to silence she
Prepares a glass of wine for, th'Feate you see.
In Child'berts reign, Divamius President
At brave Marselles who his fury spent
Against their Bishop Theodore who now
Sought succour from the King, but yet must bow;
Poore man! is snapt up in his journy and
Tormented grievously by his hand.
The Clarks now laugh, whose sins his Checks did gall,
Like Wolves they on the Churches treasures fall
And with their burning tongues him slandering wound
Yet he to Child'bert gets, begs help and sound.
He's sent with Gundulph the Lieutenant back
To Marselleis. But Divame with his pack
Keeping the gates reviles them both, buts strapt
By Gundulphs souldiers, yet by bribes well packt
Fair weather makes with this Duke Gundulph and
Swore to restore the Bishop out of hand
Unto his Charge. But then the Priests and so
The Abbat who had causd Theodore's woe
Under Divamius' wing harke as his Chicks
Some sureties give, and bring the King their tricks
And Gundulph being gone Divamius doth
Sent to King Gunthran, breaking of his Oath
He could not hold Marselleis. Theodore
Brought now to rase the Church was made the sore.
Gunthran inrag'd, the Bishops slips aside,
But is trapand 's thrown on a horse fast tide
And in disgracefull wise to th'king is brought.
Marsellies priests with Church Wealth now are fraught
But Gunthran finding him full innocent
Him back to his with gifts again soon sent.
These things a grievous fire 'twixt these two Kings
Gunthran, and Child'bert, raisd. Strife quickly springs
Another bone is thrown at Theodore
For Gunthran Base, a Courtier (such are store)
Of Chilpericks causd him in jayle to ly
Because he lodgd Gundoald the traitor, why?
Because he feignd himselfe the French kings son.
But now Good man, his ardent prayers do run
Unto the throne of Grace whence a most bright
And shining glory filld his Room as fright
His keeper did. He's to king Gunthran led
With Epiphane who from the Longbards fled
To void their persecution and back sent
Again thus by the King to prisonment,
Where Epiphanius dies but Theodore
Proovd innocent his freedom hath therefore.


But still the Pot doth wollop ore. Gunthran
Seeks now all mischiefe, though the Worthy man
Was in the Power of Child'bert, who t'allay
The fire from flaming draws the wood away.
Lieuetenant Rathare to Marseiles sent
Who treacherously doth faile the Kings intent.
He Theodore demands t'give Suretie
And packt him to Gunthran his Enemy
That he might charge him to appere before
The Matisconine Synod of the store
Of Bishops there to be adjudgd, mean while
Rathare the Churches Riches makes a spoile
Sells part and fills his purse with seals the rest,
And make them prisoners, which thing when Chest
In Child'berts Eare, he gave his fathers brother
A Charge to intercede, lest in this smoother,
Here Theodore should suffer any wrong
And thus the greate and open seeds up sprung
Of all intestine Quarrells and black jarrs
Twixt Child'bert and Gunthran of foolish wars.
But now Poor Britain thou must have thy sup
As well as others of this bitter Cup
Thy Pagan Saxon that thy Christ disdain
When Octa and vile Cosa a new train
Of Cruell pagans bring from Germany
Thy Temples down are Cast, thy Saints dead lie
No age nor sex are sparde, grave Theonius
London's good bishop, And Thadiol thus
Bishop of Yorke seing their flocks destroy'd
The Ministers fall slain on every side
Retire to Wales and Cornwall: all the land
Save This, fall under cruell pagans hand
Who utterly destroy the Christians in't
Gurmund an Africk Pagan King did dint
His sword herein and so this land lay void
Of Christian Faith and on the Pagans side
Till Austin Came Palled from Rome to win
The Pagan Saxon unto Christ our King
And making gain of some, grew proud and huff
A Counsill calls, t'have Brittains use Romes Muffe.
They send then seven Choice Grave Bishops to't
And of the Wisest of all Banchors note
Whose eye beholding Austins pride so greate
As at their entrance would not from his seate
Once move his taile, they did disdain his pride
And did reject him and his stuff beside
Which set his Monkish lambkin in such rage
(As if a Wolfe was in't) he did presage


Or rather threaton them; seing they would
Not take peace with them; they in sharp war should
Fall by that People seeing to them they
Would not the Gospell preach, they should them slay,
But this they do not heed: they would as soon
Communicate with dogs as Anglish boon.
Hence Ethelbert the King of Kent the Saint
Of Austins mint, who dented (oh brave paint)
With Austin for his Faith (Its handsell rich)
Up stirs Ethelfride King Northumber which
Joyns with him and a mighty power do raise
Who take the war upon them, fly delayes,
And draw their Pagan swords against all right
Upon the Brittains and in Cheshier fight
To Chester come Whose Consull Bremell there
Assisted with an Army Christian, Clear,
With many monks and Students worthy who
Came most from Banchor Colledge him unto
Which all Unterm'd three dayes stood praying out
For Good Success: but yet the Pagans rout
Stout Bremell and his army save a few
That with him fled away, they slay, then flew
Upon th'unarmed monks or students Rather
Which Dinoth sent and do hew down together
Twelve hundred on the spot. (Good Austin! thanks)
This Pagan sword by Austins sparks them flanks.
But alls not o're; though Dinoth and his Tribe
Of Pupills martyrde are, the Pagans side
Bought not the day ore Cheape; they many lost.
More ore the Brittain Knights, to pay the Cost
When that the tyrant drew his army up
To Banchor do on every side him Cup
With flames and scars that make his spirits faile.
The Chiefe Blederick Duke then of Cornwale
(Slain in the way) And Margabad the King
Of Westwales, Cadwan King of Guinith, him
Assault, wound, put to flight, and down destroy
Ten thousand sixty six of th'Enemy.
And though this somewhat runs beyond the line
Of this sixt Century, yet in the time
Of Maurice that Choice Emperour I hope
I wrong not Patience here to lay it ope.
And now behold these gleanings twisted in
A garland well and hung on Patience bring
Her glory out so bright rubd up hereby
As to behold the same will breake the eye
I therefore pass unto another shine
Evn Justices, to decorate my rhime.