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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[Say weill is, throuchlie a worthy gude thing]

Say weill is, throuchlie a worthy gude thing
Of say weill, greit vertew furth dois spring,
Say weill, from do weill, differis in leteer.
Say weill is gude, bot do weill is better.
Say weill is repute be man sum deale,
Bot do weill, onlie to God dois appeale,
Say weill sayis godlie, and dois mony please.
Bot do weill leuis godlie, & dois this warld ease
Say weill, mony vnto Goddis word cleuis,
Bot for laik of do weill, it quicklie leuis,
Bot gif say weil, & do weill war ioynit in a frame
All war done, all war won, gottin war the game
Say weill, in danger of deith is cauld,


Do weill is harnest and woundrous bauld
Than say weill for fein sall trimbill and quaik
Do weill sall be Iocund and Ioly cheir mak.
Say weill is slipper and makis mony wylis
Do weill is semely without ony gylis
Quhen say weill at sum tymes salbe brocht base,
Do weill sall tryumphe in euerie place.
Say weill to silence sum tyme is bound
Do weill is fre in euerie stound,
Say weill hes freindis baith heir and thair
Bot do weill is welcum euerie quhair.
Say weill mony things in hand dois tak,
Do weill ane end of them dois mak
Quhen say weill with mony is quyte downe cast,
Do weill is trustie and will stand fast.
Say weill him self will sum tyme auance,
Bot do weill dois nouther Iet nor paunce,
Bot do weill dois profite this warld moir
Then say weill and his, ane hundreth scoir.
Say weill in wordis is wondrous trick,
Bot do weill in deidis is nymbill and quick
Lord quick and trick togidder knit
And sa sall thay pype ane mirrie fit.
Say weill mony will, thay be sa kynde,
Bot do weill few will vnto thair freind:
May say weill than do weill, I tell ȝow in deid,
Bot do weill is mair honest in tyme of neid.