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[Clark, first draft:]

Sunday 30th.. Septr. 1805 Forks.

a fine morning our me[n] recruteing a little, cool, all at
work doing some thing except 2 which are verry sick, Great
numbers of small duck passing up and down the river this

Took equal altitudes with Sextent at Camp opposit the Junction of
[blank space in MS.] River and [blank space in MS.] River

Sunday 3Oth Septr. 1805

H.  M.  S.  H.  M.  S. 
A.M.  49  32.5  P.M.  23.5 
51  17.5 
53  8.5  58.5 

Altitude produced from this observation is 42°–50′–45″


Page 91

Observed time and distance of Sun and Moon nearest Limbs ☉ West.
with Sextent

Time  distance 
P M  21  44  91°.  57′  00″ 
22  53  91  57  30 
23  52  91  58 
24  37  91  58  15 
25  35  91  58  15 
26  42  91  58  30 
27  39  91  58  45 
28  17  91  59  15 
29  43  91  59  45 
31  10  92  50 
32  15  92  15 
33  92  45 
34  23  92  15 
35  30  92  30 
36  20  92  45 

Error of Enstrement 8′ 45″ sub Cronometer too fast

Septr. 30th. Satturday (Monday) 1805

a fine fa[i]r morning the men recruiting a little, all at
work which are able.[62] Great number of Small Ducks pass
down the river this morning. maney Indians passing up and
down the river.[63]


But the greater number are very weak. To save them from hard labour, we
have adopted the Indian method of burning out the canoes.—Gass (p. 207).


Here follow the astronomical observations, which being the same as those in the
first draft are omitted. In Codex G, pp. 130–134, are found the "Courses and
distances" Sept. 11–25, which are also omitted as being transcripts of those from
the Clark-Voorhis field-book.—Ed.