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The first missionary movement in our diocese was in behalf of
Western Virginia, by the association in the valley, composed of the
ministers in Frederick, Jefferson, and Berkeley, in the early part
of the ministry of the Rev. Benjamin Allen, Mr. Bryan, B. B. Smith,
Enoch Lowe, and the author of these pages. The first missionary
sent into Western Virginia was the Rev. Wm. F. Lee, and the first
point to which he went was Clarksburg and the next Morgantown.
In each of these places he preached repeatedly and acceptably and
did his duty faithfully as a pioneer and explorer. He was soon
followed by his relative,—the Rev. Charles Henry Page,—who imitated
his example in all things. The first effort of a more permanent
character was made by the Rev. Mr. Ward. In a letter from
a friend in Clarksburg, he thus speaks of this effort:—"Mr. Ward
came here in the fall of 1834 or 1835. At first he was the inmate
of the family of Mr. Trapnall, a firm friend of the Church. Mr.
Trapnall dying, Mr. Ward abode the remainder of his time with
Mr. Richard Despard, a devoted friend of the Church from the old
country. I have been informed that Mr. Ward succeeded in awakening


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considerable interest among the friends of the Church,—that his
Sabbath-school was flourishing, and his public services well sustained."
The same friend continues:—"Mr. Ward was succeeded
by the Rev. Mr. McMechin, about the year 1840. He had previously
been in the Methodist ministry. You are well acquainted
with the course pursued by him and with the unhappy termination
of his ministry." The foregoing remark requires explanation. Other
records of the Church have already made it, but, for the benefit of
young ministers, it deserves a place here. Mr. McMechin, though
of an ancient Episcopal family, had united himself with the Methodist
communion and ministry. During the few years of his continuance
in this Society he was much esteemed. He then entered
the Episcopal Church and ministry. After a short stay in Parkersburg,
he commenced the duties of the latter under very favourable
auspices in Clarksburg. At his own cost he provided a house which
should answer the double purpose of school-room and place of worship.
In this place he preached on the Sabbath and instructed
young females during the week,—deriving his support chiefly if not
entirely from the latter. His pulpit-addresses were very acceptable.
Numbers attended his ministry. His sermons seemed about to be
blessed in the conversion of many, and there was a reasonable probability
that most if not all of them would be united to our Church.
In several successive letters he communicated to me the joyful intelligence,
and the confident expectation of a large class of candidates
for Confirmation when I should next visit Clarksburg, which
was to be after a few months. Before that time arrived, however,
I perceived a change in the tone of his letters. He was less confident
that many would be ready for Confirmation,—was afraid that
he would be disappointed in a number who had promised well. At
length my visit was made. On my arrival, he gave me the following
honest account of the whole matter. After having for some time
earnestly preached the Gospel of salvation to those who attended
his ministry, and having reason to believe that a number were prepared
to make an open profession of religion, and to do it after our
manner and in connection with our Church, he determined to make
the latter sure by a series of discourses on the ministry, the Sacraments,
the Liturgy, and the rite of Confirmation. I do not know
what particular position he took in regard to these, but the effect,
he told me, was to reduce his congregation from Sabbath to Sabbath,
so that, by the time the series was over, a mere handful were left him.
Meanwhile the pulpits of other denominations were denouncing


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him and the Church, and tracts and books against Confirmation
and our peculiarities were gotten up and put in circulation through
the place, so that when I reached Clarksburg there was but one
individual who would dare to appear for Confirmation, and sickness
prevented the attendance of that one. Nor did the calamity end
here; for, not long after, Mr. McMechin himself returned, under
the influence of excited feelings, to the Methodist communion as a
lay member. It is, however, proper to state that when that excitement
passed away he resumed his place in the bosom of the Episcopal
Church, but, of course, only as a lay member,—having been
displaced from our ministry. Let young ministers in new parishes
learn a lesson from the foregoing statement, and old ones even in
old parishes not despise it.

The letter of my correspondent continues by saying that "after
Mr. McMechin abandoned the ministry, the Rev. Thomas Smith,
of Parkersburg, gave the little flock such pastoral care as his
distant residence allowed. He called the friends of the Church
together, proposed and caused to be adopted articles of confederation,
and had a regular vestry elected. Until the services of a
regular minister were secured, he paid them several visits,—riding
on horseback the distance of eighty-five miles to supply their spiritual
necessities. The Rev. Mr. Kinsolving was the next settled
minister. He officiated regularly at Clarksburg and Weston, and
occasionally at Morgantown. He remained about a year, and was
not only acceptable to his own people, but popular with all classes.
The Rev. Mr. Tompkins succeeded him at Weston, and preached occasionally
at Clarksburg,—perhaps once a month,—as well as at other
places." To this communication I add that in the year 1852, the
Rev. Robert A. Castleman went to Clarksburg, and was soon after
joined by the Rev. James Page, who, between them, supplied Clarksburg,
Weston, Fairmont, Morgantown, and Buchanon, for one year,
when the former confined his services to Clarksburg and Fairmont,
and the latter to Weston and Buchanon. During the residence of
the Rev. Mr. Tompkins in Weston, and chiefly by his exertions, an
Episcopal church has been built in that place. During the ministry
of Mr. Castleman, one has been built in Clarksburg and one purchased
and repaired at Fairmont. To his efforts in Clarksburg and
his solicitation abroad, we are indebted for the excellent house now
standing in Clarksburg. A few zealous friends in Fairmont are
entitled to praise for what they have done. Although our efforts
have thus far failed in Morgantown, I cannot pass it by without


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mention of the pleasant visits made to that place, and the hospitable
reception given me by those worthy members of our Church,—Mr.
John Rogers and Mr. Guy Allen. Could the zeal and liberality of two
individuals have sufficed for the establishment of the Episcopal Church
in Morgantown, theirs would have done it. I have nothing more
to add but that Mr. Castleman is about to leave Clarksburg, and
the Rev. Mr. Smyth, a Deacon, is officiating in Weston.