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An extraordinary Courte Helde 18th Iulij 1620 Ther Beinge
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An extraordinary Courte Helde 18th Iulij
1620 Ther Beinge


The Right Honorable  Earle of Southampton. 
Sr Edwin Sandys. 
Sr Iohn Dauers. 
mr Gibbes.  mr Cranmer.  mr Tomkinℯ. 
mr Dept Ferrar.  mr Darnelly.  mr Wellℯ. 
mr Wrote.  mr Whitley.  mr Swinhowe. 
mr Dr Anthony.  mr Ditchfeild.  mr Leuer. 
mr Robert Smith.  mr Casewell.  mr Couell. 
mr Sheppard.  mr Berblock.  mr Felgate. 
Capt Bargraue.  mr Hopton.  mr Barnard. 
mr Iohn Smith.  mr Ruggle.  mr Widdowes. 
Capt Nuce.  mr Couell.  mr Ab: Chamberlyn. 
mr Chambers.  mr Abdy.  mr Sywarde. 
mr Aires.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Nicho: Ferrar.  mr Poulson. 
mr Wiseman.  mr Morewood. 
mr Baynam. 
mr Penistone. 
mr Vyner. 
mr George Smith. 
mr Woodall. 
mr Ewins. 
mr Sparrow. 
mr Robertℯ 
and mr Arundell. [154

The Courte takinge into Considerac̃on the treatie wth the vndertakers
for the sole sellinge of Tobacco fyndinge the proporc̃on for Virginia to


be so small as not possible to be divided amongst such a multitude of
people wth any shaddow of Content, and consideringe that the Som̃er
Ilands haveinge no meanes to subsiste butt meerly by the vent of their
Tobacco will stand in need of all help wch in that kinde may be given
them have consented that the wholl 55000 waight of Tobacco allowed
to be vented in this Realme by both the Plantac̃ons shalbe appro-
pryated to that of the Somer Ilands alone, And themselvs shall humbly
submitt themselvs to his Maties: royall pleasure declared in his last
Proclamã and forbear to bringe any Tobacco att all this yeare nothinge
doubtinge butt his Maty: in his Princely Considerac̃on will Comisserate
ye Estate of the poore people in that Plantac̃on and restore them to their
liberty when hee shall see time convenyent, In the mean season
p̳testinge against the Vndertakers of this late Proiect tendinge not
onely to the hurt butt allso to the vtter ruyne of both the Plantac̃ons.
The sole sellinge
of Tobacco.
ye 55000 waight to
be appropriated
only to ye So:
Ilandℯ Company

The Courte beinge resolved as aforesaid to forbeare the bringinge into
England any Tobacco from Virginia this yeare butt to send the same
to fflushinge, Middlebrough or any other parts to be vented there did
appoynt these Comittees here vndernamed to consult and resolue of
the fittest Course to be taken for providinge of a Magazine or Store-
house there, and to treat wth the States ther by letters for the bring-
inge in and carryinge outt of the Tobacco att the easiest rates. And
to consider of the best meanes allso for the orderinge and Sale therof
by ffactors to the moste advantage of the Company, vizd: all the gen-
erall Comittees assisted wth Sr Iohn Dauers, Mr Wrote, Mr Gibbes,
Mr Berblock, Mr Chamberlyne, Mr Cranmer, Mr Sheppard, Mr Wise-
man Mr Deputy, Mr Smith, Mr Chambers, Mr Clarke, Mr Nicho:
Ferrar Mr Casewell, Mr Mellinge.

A Com̃ittee to con-
sider of ye fittest
course for a Maga-
zine or Storehouse
att fflushinge Cr.

These Comittees are appoynted to attend the Lord Arch Bishope of
Caunterburie wth the Declarac̃on of the Supplies intended to be sent
to Virginia this year Cr, and shew the amendment there vppon sub-
mittinge the considerac̃on therof vnto his Grace to dyrect what hee
shall thinke to leave outt or putt in, And wthall to move his grace
that the Booke now p̳hibited by his gracious Comaundemt may againe


passe abrode and be published, vizd mr Gibbs, mr Deputy, mr Berblock
and Captaine Bargraue. [155]
Com̃ittees to at-
tend ye Lo: Arch-
bishop of Cant.

Mr Doctor Anthony haveinge brought two bills of Adventure of xijli xs
a peece, the ffirst from Ambros Austin of High Holborne the other from Ioane Dawkes widow both vnder the Companies Seale and
allowed of vnder the Auditors hands beinge now desyrous to have them
passe the approbac̃on of this Courte was accordingly graunted and

2 bills passed to
Dr Anthony

Mr Edward Kirbie who went to Virginia in the Bona Noua in Iune
last wth an intent their to plant att his owne charge where hee hath
alredy lefte a Serṽnnt whose passage hee paid for, ∥as by∥ a certificate
appears & beinge returned wth a purpose to transporte more people
thither was now allowed to be ffree of this Company and order given
to mr Deputy to certifie so much to the ffermer of the Custome.

Mr Edward Kirbie
allowed to be made

Itt was moved and generally assented vnto that a ɫre should be drawne
to the Gouernor and Counsell for Virginia signifyinge the graunt of a
Pattent vnto Sr William Mounson and his Associates accordinge to an
order of a former Courte wch ɫre beinge so drawne itt was referred to
Sr Iohn Dauers and mr Deputy to mend and make itt agreable to the
said Order of Courte.

A ɫre: to be writ-
ten to ye Gouernor
to signifie of a Pat-
ent graunted to Sr
Wm: Mounson.

Concerninge Mr Wye his petic̃on although the Courte had iust cause
to reiect the same in regard hee had wronged the Company in the
verie title therof by tearminge this soe worthie a Societie and Corpo-
rac̃on no better then Traders to Virginia, and grounded his Petic̃on
likewise vppon vntruthes in denyinge any Comission to be graunted
vnto him or that hee hadd done the Company any Damadge wch was
apparantlie approved against him yett if the said Wye would acknowl-
edge his grosse error in ye direcc̃on of his said Petic̃on and amend the
same, and withall submitt himselfe to the awarde and sentence of the
Courte concerninge the differences between him and the Company,
and concerninge the sute betweene him and mr Deputy the Courte


would then allow of his Petic̃on and take itt into their considerac̃on
otherwise did vtterly reiect the same.
yf mr Wye will ac-
knowledge his er-
ror in his Petic̃on
and submitt him-
selfe to ye award of
ye Courte it shalbe

Reporte beinge made vnto this Courte that mr Woodall had scandal-
ized the booke lately sett out by his Mats: Councell for Virginia by a
most disgracefull Tearme in callyng itt a lybell wth wch hee being
charged sought by a rediculous interpretac̃on of that word accord-
inge to the sense itt bears in Latin in some sorte to extenuate and
excuse. [156]

reporte of mr
Woodallℯ Scan-
dall of ye printed

Butt for that itt was further allso laide to his charge that hee had
impudentlie cast a foule asperc̃on vppon Sr Edwin Sandys Knight in
sayinge hee did butt vsurpe the Authoritie of the Courte; The Com-
pany were herewith exceedingly moved and here vppon did forthwth
order ∥that∥ the examinac̃on of both his disgracefull Scandalls should
be referred to the censure of the next Quarter Courte And in the meane
time hee should remayne suspended from the Courts.

A fowle aspertion
cast by mr Wood-
all vppon Sr Ed:
The examinac̃on
of both his scan-
dalls to be referred
to ye next Quarter

Mr Paulson assigned 2 bills of Adventure one to mr Andrewes the
other to mr Greene.

Mr Paulson j bill
to mr Andrews 1
to mr Green.

Mathew Seizemore haveinge desyred the Courte to doe her right for
that shee had payd for her passage and yett was att the charge of
victuallinge herselfe The Courte ordered that right should be done
her accordinglie as itt had been to others in the like case.

Right ordered to
be done to Mathew

Iohn Grocer and Susan his wife peticoned that their sonne Iohn might
returne for England wch was graunted and subscribed vnto by ye Earle
of Southampton.

Io: Grocer to re-
turne for England