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[Let all the God of Daniel praise]

Let all the God of Daniel praise
Almighty to redeem,
Who saves, as in the ancient days,
The men that trust in Him.


He hath the great deliverance wrought,
His angel sent again,
And shut the lions' mouths, and brought
Us up out of their den.
Give glory to Elijah's God,
Elijah's God and ours,
Who hath around His servants stood,
With all His heavenly powers:
Beset we were by Satan's host,
In human shape conceal'd,
He baffled their tyrannic boast,
And all their fury quell'd.
That God who saved the faithful three
Let every soul admire:
We too have seen the Deity,
And walk'd unburnt in fire:
Call'd down by faith, from heaven He came,
The Son of Man we knew:
He kept us in the lambent flame,
And strangely brought us through.
The floods with horrid discord raged,
And lifted up their voice:
Jehovah on our side engaged,
And still'd their angry noise,
His word rebuked the swelling sea,
Nor suffer'd it to' o'erflow,
“Hither proceed, allow'd by Me,
But dare no farther go.”
Thou, Lord, beyond their reach didst bear,
And sweetly hide above
The objects of Thy guardian care,
And providential love:


Thou didst the alien host defeat,
And blast their vain design
To slay, or shamefully intreat
A messenger of Thine.
For this with all Thy saints we praise
Thy majesty and power,
And tell the wonders of Thy grace,
Till time shall be no more.
For this in sounds of glorious joy
We shall our Saviour own,
And all eternity employ
In hymns around Thy throne.