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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Sec. 18-118. Rear lamps.[257]

Every motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer which is being
drawn at the end of one or more other vehicles, or motorcycles,
shall carry at the rear a lamp capable of exhibiting
a red light plainly visible in clear weather from a distance
of five hundred feet to the rear of such vehicle and such rear
lamp shall be constructed and so mounted in its relation to
the rear license plate as to illuminate by a white light such
license plate so that the same may be read from a distance
of fifty feet to rear of such vehicle; or a separate white light
shall be so mounted as to illuminate and make visible such
rear license from a distance of fifty feet to the rear of such
vehicle, such rear light or special white light to be of a type
that has been approved by the superintendent.

In any instance where the rear lamp is to be installed on a
boat trailer and the boat extends beyond the end of the trailer
or to the end of the trailer, an approved portable light assembly
may be attached to the exposed rear of the boat, provided
such installation complies with the visibility requirements of
this section. (Code 1959, § 18-118; 6-21-65, § 16.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-262.