University of Virginia Library


April 5th.

—"Toutt bel bois ka allé," says Manm-Robert. (All the beautiful trees are going.) … I do not understand.

—"Toutt bel bois—toutt bel moune ka alle," she adds, interpretatively. (All the "beautiful trees,"—all the handsome people,—are passing away.) … As in the speech of the world's primitive poets, so in the creole patois is a beautiful woman compared with a comely tree: nay, more than this, the name of the object is actually substituted for that of the living being. Yon bel bois may mean a fine tree: it more generally signifies a graceful woman: this is the very comparison made by Ulysses looking upon Nausicaa, though more naively expressed. … And now there comes to me the recollection of a creole ballad illustrating the use of the phrase,—a ballad about a youth of Fort-de-France sent to St. Pierre by his father to purchase a stock of dobannes, * who, falling in love with a handsome colored girl, spent all his father's money in buying her presents and a wedding outfit:—

"Moin descenne Saint-Piè
Acheté dobannes
Auliè ces dobannes
C'est yon bel-bois moin mennein monté!"

("I went down to Saint-Pierre to buy dobannes: instead of the dobannes, 'tis a pretty tree—a charming girl—that I bring back with me")

—"Why, who is dead now, Manm-Robert?"

—"It is little Marie, the porteuse, who has got the verette. She is gone to the lazaretto."



* Red earthen-ware jars for keeping drinking-water cool. The origin of the word is probably to be sought in the name of the town, near Marseilles, where they are made,—Aubagne.