University of Virginia Library

But “Nelly! Nelly!”—certainly!
Always after the gels, I see!
Well, I really don't think she cared a toss
About poor Tommy, how he was.
I can't say, of coorse—they're very queer—
But still for all it didn' appear
She took up with any of these other chaps—
So that's the way, you know—so p'rhaps—
But dear me! a fellow that couldn' take a kiss
Just in a way of friendliness—
Well, of coorse, a chap that'd act that funky—
She must have thought him rather a donkey—
Must, you know—a soft sort of craythur—
Aw, there's no mistake—it's only nathur—
And none of us didn' say nothin' to her,
And she didn' stay over a quarter more,
Bein' wanted at home for a baby they had,
And fish was scarce, and times was bad.