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The bard, and minor poems

By John Walker Ord ... Collected and edited by John Lodge

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Cleveland, each Yorkshire vale salutes thee king,
And thou art watch-tower for the roaring sea;
Hundreds of ship-wrecked tars have look'd to thee
As through the howling billows they did swing:
Thou soar'st aloft, as with an eagle's wing,
Elate with looks of mountain sovereignty.
Spring's earliest clouds rest on thy forehead free,
Spring's youngest flowers commence their blossoming
Within thy bowers:—to thee the birds first sing!
And thou hast joyous pastures, verdant plains,
Groves for thy subjects, mountains for thy slaves;
Yea, the fierce storms salute thee, mighty thing:
Within thy cliffs the lordly eagle reigns—
Cliffs coeternal with the winds and waves!
May, 1841.