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The Visit on Mris. S. L.


The Visit on Mris. S. L.

Fair Suaviana having made it day,
Before the Lazy Sun began to stirre
And caus'd the Delphick Preists mistaking lay
Their offrings at her Shrine & worship her;
Guided by th'influence of her Starry eyes,
I came to pay my morning sacrifice
A Yoke of Kisses, and a shower of Tears
Made up of sighs and prayers 'twixt hopes and fears.
Oh when she issu'd from her bed (Lov's Sphear)
Such sudden flashes lighten'd here and there
That as one Planet-struck Amaz'd I stood
To see such brightnes sally, through a cloud.
Then o're her world-like head, she gently threw,
A flaming petty Coat, which to the view,
Appear'd by the reflection of her Eyes,
As the Sun sets e're winds and storms arise


But (as smal Love would have it) on her Hips
It tenter'd was, as loth for so Eclips
So fair a prospect, underneath which place
Her scallop'd smock was prety. Faith! it was.
And now the height of mine Ambition is
The hem of such a Garment but to kiss,
As on a velvet Couch she seated was
To sheath her Legs within a silken Case
Her Thighs were laid a cross, as who should say
A good luck on ye! blest for all the day!
Which as she did untwine, you might have seen
The place where Love & Beauty frolick in;
The Port was to the view, half open set,
The folding dores were Coral, hing'd in jet.
Within a Court, with Crimson Velvet lyn'd
Which Love for his own Lodgings had assign'd;
There several Chambers were, and beside these,
There were no other Rooms, but Room to Ghuess.
Cætera desiderantur.