University of Virginia Library


Martial. Lib. 4. Epigram. 90. De Rusticatione.

Asks thou, ith' Country how I spend the Day?
Early, each morning, to the gods I pray.
My Servants then, and Fields to see I goe,
And every one appoint what worke to doe.
This done, I read, and Vows to Phœbus make
To ease me, and my drouping Muse t'awake.
My Body then I rub and ore-anoynt,
And easily stretch-out each Lim and Ioynt,
Reioycing in my mind, secure and free
From debt, and the black books of Vsurie.
I dine, I drink, I sing, I wash, I play,
I sup; then, from my Rest not long do stay:
Yet, till my Lampe a little Oyle doe spend,
Som time I nightly to the Muses lend.