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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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Of frendes,

out of the same Author.

Chose them for no frendes in dede nor in woord,
That wyll at thy lyfe styll gest mocke or boord,
And suche as passe lyttle to scoffe at eche tyde,
At that which most secrete thou woldest hyde:
But yet most of all auoyde shun and flee
The frendshyp of suche as quyckly wyll bee,
For thynges of naught streyght at defyance,
With theyr best frendes, kyndred and alyance,
Reuengyng also themselues muche more
Upon suche as they haue loued before,
Then on those foes whych they always dyd hate,
And with whome they styll haue ben at debate,
Persuadyng themselues most barbarously,
That of theyr most frend the small iniury.


It is to be forborne or suffred lesse,
Then of theyr chief foe the most wickednes,
Which vayne & vile wordes do shew forth & moue
Declaryng most playn they neuer dyd loue,
Sure yf they had, loue would haue extended,
That they could not so much haue ben offende
Make neuer no frendes of suche as be those,
For better it were to haue them for foes.