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Fiue hundred pointes of good Husbandrie

as well for the Champion, or open countrie, as also for the woodland, or Seuerall, mixed in euerie Month with Huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of Huswiferie, corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the fermer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbes, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattle, with many other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the Reader. Also a table of husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of huswiferie at the end: for the better and easier finding of any matter conteined in the same. Newly set foorth by Thomas Tusser

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Morning vvorkes.

No sooner some vp,
But nose is in cup.


Get vp in the morning as soone as thou wilt,
with ouerlong slugging good seruant is spilt.


Some slouens from sleeping no sooner get vp,
but hand is in aumbrie, and nose in the cup.
That early is donne,
Count huswifely wonne.


Morning workes.

Some worke in the morning may trimly be donne,

that all the day after can hardly be wonne.


Good husband without it is needfull there be,
good huswife within as needfull as he.
Cast dust into yard,
And spin and go card.


Sluts corners auoided shall further thy health,
much time about trifles shall hinder thy wealth.


Set some to peele hempe, or else rishes to twine,
to spin and to card, or to seething of brine.


Grind mault for drinke.
See meate do not stinke.


Set some about cattle, some pasture to vewe,
some mault to be grinding against ye do brewe.


Some corneth, some brineth, some will not be taught,
Where meate is attainted, there cookrie is naught.