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12 IULIJ 1620 Att a Generall Courte helde in the afternoone for Virginia the 12th Iulij 1620
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12 IULIJ 1620
Att a Generall Courte helde in the afternoone for Virginia the 12th Iulij 1620

the Right Honoble͠:

Earle of Southampton Tr̃er.  Sr Thomas Roe. 
Lord Cauendish.  Sr Edwin Sandys. 
Lord Sheffeilde.  Sr Iohn Dauers. 
Lord Haughton.  Sr Robert Killigrew. 
Sr Edward Sackvill.  Sr Phillip Carey. 
Docter Meddowℯ.  mr Challoner.  mr Widdowes. 
Thomas Gibbes.  mrWrothsbie.  mr Couell. 
Xo: Brooke esqre.  mr Ayscough.  mr Berblock. 
mr Io: Ferrar Depty mr Cartwright.  mr Wiseman. 
mr Samuell Wrote.  mr Nicho: Ferrar.  mr Boothby. 
Dr Anthony.  mr Whitley.  mr Cranmer. 
Peter Humble.  mr Foxton.  mr Tomkinℯ. 
Wm Oxenbridge.  mr Pett.  mr Edwardℯ. 
Captaine Argoll.  mr Bull.  mr Gardner. 
mr Abbott.  mr Chambers.  mr Woodall. 
mr Hanforde.  mr Palmer.  mr Benson. 
mr Caswell.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Swinhowe.  mr Cuffe. 
mr Arundell 
wth divers others. 


Sr Edwin Sandys signified vnto the Courte that hee had received
notice that my Lord of Southampton was vppon some speciall occa-
sion wth the Lords of the Councell and could not be present heere till
three of the Clock whervppon itt was agreed that the petic̃ons exhib-
ited vnto this Courte should in the meane time be read and considered
of and accordinglie receive all their answer.

My Lo: of South-
Peticonℯ to be

Vppon the humble Petic̃on of Iohn[534] Selsby that her husband Thomas
now in Virginia might returne wth the firstpassage for England, who
went ouer wth Captaine Lawne as a voluntary att his owne charge
haveinge here a wife and 4 Children in great distress for want of
means vppon whome his ffather a verie aged man will bestowe some
thinge att his returne, the Court is pleased to graunt her request for
her said husbands returne home.

Thomas Selsby
to returne for Eng-

Touchinge mr Peirce his petic̃on for two hundred pound of ye Com-
panie formerly ordered to be paide to mr Rolfe to his vse as by the
bill of [149] Exchange vnder the Cape Marchantℯ hand may appeare
wch monny is not yett paid as hee affirmeth, The Courte therfore
hath referred the further examinac̃on of his said petic̃on vnto the
Auditors who are to certifie the truth therof vnto the Courte.

mr Peirce his peti-
c̃on referd to ye

Vppon the request of Captaine Warde for the returne of Luke Burden
into England now deteyned in Virginia for takinge a way certaine
goods from the Indians there The Courte was pleased to order that
a letter should be write to Sr George Yeardley Gouernor of Virginia to
p̱mitt the said Luke Burden to come ouer if hee be onely deteyned for
that ffact (and no other) wth wch Capt Warde stood himselfe charged
and was by fauore acquited.

Luke Burden to
com for England

A moc̃on was made wch was generally agreed vnto that those that go
ouer to Virginia as Planters should first take the Oath of llegiance to
be administred vnto them by some cheife Magestrate there where they
shall embarke themselvs who by letter from hence should receive
direcc̃on to administer the same and to returne their names to be
entred here in a Register Booke for that purpose to be kept.

Planters to take
the Oath of Alle-


Mr Ayskough acquainted the Courte that hee had himselfe paid into Sr
Thomas Smith att two seuerall payments 75li in monny as by his bills
theirof appeared butt hee found that hee was entred 12li:10s:00 short
of ye said some for wch hee now craved allowance, whervppon the
Court ordered that itt should be referrd to the examinac̃on of the
Auditors to certefie therof.

mr Ayskough re-
ferrd to ye Aud-

Thomas Kiddar of London Sheremaker in his petic̃on desyred that
his sonne Thomas might returne for England (beinge the Apprentice
of one Ienkinson of London Haberdasher for vij years as by his Inden-
ture enrolled may appeare vnto whome his said ffather gave his bound
for his trueth and abode with him wherof hee nowe stands in daunger
his said Sonne beinge entysed away by one Edward Cross to goe ouer
with him to Virginia where hee enhabited) the Courte here vppon
ordered that the Petic̃on be referred to the Comittees vizd mr Case-
well, and mr Berblock who are appoynted to examine the same and to certifie therof accordinglie. [150]

Tho: Kiddar his
petic̃on referrd to
ye Comittees

Elizabeth Smale Widdowe in her petic̃on desyred that the Company
would please to take into their hands the dividend allotted vnto her
Husband in Virginia in considerac̃on of his Eleaven years service
thervnto the Company that they would bestowe vppon her some
monney to discharge the Debt beinge 15li vnto a Chirvrgion vnder
whose hands shee hath continued ever since her cominge ouer, And
further craveth a stipend for her better mayntenance duringe her life,
The Courte heer vppon ordered that shee should addresse herselfe to
Captaine Argoll to examine the truth of her said petic̃on and to certifie
therof accordinglie.

Eliza: Smale to ad-
dress herselfe to
Capt Argoll.

Thomas Wale Mercer in his petic̃on sheweth that wheras hee hadd
engaged himselfe to pay butt 25li Adventure towards a Second ffish-
inge Voyadge vppon the North Coast of Virginia hee informeth that
mr Spruson and mr Webb (who is now dead) and through their inces-
sant imp̱tunytie vniustly drawne from him att two seuerall payments
75li more then his said Adventure wch made itt vpp one hundred pre-
tendinge that hee had subscribed for payment of so much; Whervp-


pon the Court ordered that [542] Spruson who is yett liveinge should
after a fortnights lawefull warninge given him bring in his Accompts
to the Courte to be audited, and in defect of a Courte to the Deputy
and generall Comittees.
Tho: Wale Mercer
Mr Spruson to
bringe in his Ac-

Elizabeth Barkly in her Petic̃on desyred of the Compa: 100li in p̱t of
payment of a greater Some due vnto her Husband and that they would
give order to the Auditors to hasten the examininge of her Accompts.
Whervppon the Court condiscended to pay her 100li assoone as mon-
neys came in provided that shee give securitie to repay the same
againe if vppon the Auditinge of her Accomptℯ itt were found not to
be due vnto her.

100li to be paide to
Elizabeth Barkley

Iohn Wood in his Petic̃on desyred that the Courte would please in
regard hee is resolved to inhabite in Virginia, to graunt him 8 Shares
in Elizabeth Riuer, for 8 Shares of Land formerly graunted vnto him,
because theron is Timber fittinge for his [151] turne, and water
sufficient to Launch such Ships as shalbe there built for the vse and
service of the Company; The Courte herevppon hath ordered and
agreed to recomend the considerac̃on of the premises vnto the Gou-
ernor and Counsell of Virginia to deale therin as they shall thinke fitt.

Iohn Wood recom-
ended to ye Gou-
ernor & Counsell
of Virginia

Thomas Moreman signified in his Petic̃on that hee went to Virginia
in a Ship called the Bona Noua in the yeare 1619 in the Companies
service wherin hee still remayneth vnder the Comaund of Captaine
Mathewℯ. Butt for so much as hee hath now sattisfied the Company
the charge they have been att in placeinge him there as their Ten-
nant, hee desyreth his freedome and withall that proporc̃on of Land
as is vsually allotted to others in the like kinde wch the request the
Courte thought verie reasonable and did generally assent therevnto.

Tho: Moremanℯ
petic̃on graunted.

My Lord of Southampton beinge now com to the Courte declared that
his absence and long stay was aboute buisines of ye Companies and
that hee had receaved a gracious answere from his Matie: concerninge
their petic̃on against the restraint of Tobacco who was pleased to
affirme that itt was never his meaninge to graunt any thinge that
might be preiudicall to any of both those Plantac̃ons and therfore


had referrd itt to the Considerac̃on of the Lords of the Counsell, wth
whome my Lord of Southampton saide hee had beene all that while,
and that their Lops: desyred that certaine of the Company might attend
the hearinge of the cause vppon fryday next in the afternoone. wch
the Court generally assented vnto.
ye Lord of South-
ampton Com to
a gratious aun-
swere received
from his Maty: con-
cerninge ye re-
straint of Tobacco.

After the Actℯ of the former Courtℯ were read Captaine Argoll took
occasion to except against some certaine words of an order touchinge
him att the last Quarter Courte held in the Afternoone, alledging
that hee did never vnduely taxe the Company as that order did declare.
Whervppon the Courte evidentlie made itt appear vnto him yt hee
was in an error, and thervppon did iustifie the said order to be truly
sett downe. [152]

Capt Argoll iusti-
fied to be in an

Vppon Capt Argollℯ request the Courte was pleased to give order
vnto the Secretary to deliver him Coppies of Orders concerninge him-
selfe and Captaine Brewster.

Capt Argoll to haue
Coppies of Orders
concerninge him-
self & Capt Brews-

Itt was vppon moc̃on ordered and by erecc̃on of hands generally
assented vnto that the Courte in respect of many buisinesses yt were
to be dispatched should be continued till all matters were determyned.

The Courte con-

These Comittees beinge chosen the last Quarter Courte butt not
sworne did now take their Oath, vizd, mr Bland, mr Wiseman, mr
Whitley, mr Clerke; And the Secretary in like manner being then
chosen did allso now take his Oath.

Comittees sworne.
Secre: sworne.

Mr Robert Somerscallℯ Proiect concerninge the curinge and ordering
of Tobacco beinge now putt to the question whether itt would please
the Company to allowe therof, and to giue order for drawing his
Patent was generally approved and by erecc̃on of hands ratified and

Mr Somerscallℯ
Proiect allowed.

Concerninge the Proiect for makinge of Drinck in Virginia being an
artificiall wine made of vegetable growinge there naturally in great
plenty Itt is referred to these Comittees to consider therof vizd. Sr
Iohn Dauers, Mr Doctor Anthony Mr Doctor Gulstone Mr Deputy,
Mr Smith, Captaine Bargraue Mr Darnelly, Mr Whitley, who are to


make reporte of their opynions herein and to compound wth the
Author as they shall thinke fitt.[556]
The Proiect for
makinge of Drinck
in Virginia referrd
to the Comittees.

Vppon a moc̃on made order was given for the graunt of a Comission
to mr Tracey and that the Seale should be there vnto applyed.[558]

Comission to mr

Another likewise to the Mr of the Bona Noua.

Another for ye
Bona Noua.

Another allso to Sr William Mounson and his Associates.

Sr Wm Mounso n.:

Itt was allso agreed that accordinge to a moc̃on made a Pattent should
be graunted to mr Pelham and his Associates for Transporting &r
plantinge of a Collony in Virginia. [153]

A Pattent to mr

These matters beinge ordered as aforesaid my Lord of Southampton
desyred the Company that they will now wth the same alacritie &
cheerfullnes of mynde as they should ever finde in him goe on to the
dispatch of those waightie buisinesses com̃itted to their care and
charge, wch for expedic̃on sake were divided into parts and comended
to seuerall Com̃ittees here vppon the appoynted Com̃ittees promised
with all care and dilligence to expedite the same accordinglie, his Lop:
desyred further that a speciall Comittee might be desyred to attend
the LL͠s of his Mats: Counsell vppon ffryday next about the Petic̃on
referred by his Matie: vnto their ll͠ps: concerninge the restraint of
Tobacco whervppon these Comittees were nõiated vizd

Sr Edward Sackuill.  mr Deputy.  mr Nicholas Ferrar. 
Sr Edwin Sandys.  mr Gibbes.  mr Cartwright. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Wrote.  mr Ditchfeild. 
Sr Phillip Cary.  mr Cranmer.  mr Casewell, & 
mr Brooke.  mr Berblock. 
Who are all appoynted to meet for a Consultac̃on att Sr Iohn Dauerℯ
house vppon ffryday next halfe an hower after twelue. And are then
& there allso to consider of the petic̃on concerninge the ffishinge att
Cape Codd to be exhibited likewise to the LLs.
my Lo: of South-
ampton request to
ye company to goe
on cherfully Cr.


This word was originally written John, and an a is written over the o.


A blank space in the manuscript.


A discussion of this project is given in List of Records, No. 186, page 141, ante.


This commission is cited in List of Records, No. 189, page 142, ante.