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Hymn 7.

[My Lord, by sinners crucified]

My Lord, by sinners crucified,
By me ten thousand times denied,
(And yet Thy bowels move,
And yet Thy heart relents for me,)
Alas! what shall I answer Thee,
When ask'd, if Thee I love?


How shall I in Thy presence dare
The' abominable crime declare,
Or speak the horrid word?
And yet compell'd I am to own,
And cry with an heart-breaking groan,
I do not love Thee, Lord!
My basest want of love I feel:
The most apostate fiend in hell
Is not so vile as I:
A Man, a Sufferer for my sake,
Thou never didst their nature take,
Nor didst for devils die.
'Twas I that caused Thy mortal pain,
And made Thee bow the head, in vain,
And waste Thy precious blood:
For O! this base ungrateful heart!
I linger still with all to part,
I cannot love my God.
Not all Thy passion's bleeding power,
Before the' acceptable hour,
This flinty breast can move:
Yet may I not to Thee appeal?
Thou know'st I would Thy goodness feel,
I would my Saviour love.
Jesus, pronounce the softening word,
And make me fully willing, Lord,
The blessing to receive;
My faithless heart in love renew,
And then I shall, I shall prove true,
And to Thy glory live.
Then shall my tongue delight to own
The wonders Thou for me hast done,
The blessings Thou hast given,


And gladly tell Thee o'er and o'er,
Thou know'st, O Lord, I love Thee more
Than all Thy earth and heaven.
Then shall I labour to approve
My firm inviolable love,
Obedient to my God,
And guide with all my power, and keep
The tender lambs and yeaning sheep,
Which cost my Lord His blood.
Be this my whole employ below,
Before Thy little flock to go,
And in Thy steps to tread;
Shepherd of souls, I fain would be
Their faithful pastor under Thee,
And feed as I am fed.
Happy, could I through life declare
How dear to me Thy followers are;
But happier still might I
Like Thee my life at last give back,
And suffer, Saviour, for Thy sake,
And for Thy people die!