University of Virginia Library



This thy brother was dead, and is alive again.”—St. Luke xv. 32.

I was deaf and dumb, and severed wide
From His Goodness, but still He was near;
In my weakness walking at my side,
Calling till I answered and could hear.
I was deaf and dumb and flying,
But He bade me live though dying.
I was left so long in exile far,
Till His Mercy sought me though through fire—
Healed my wounds, and clothed each cruel scar
With the beauty of His own attire.
I was left, but now dim places
Are the Heaven of His embraces.
I was blind, but vision came at last
When the darkness deepest on me lay;
And forgiveness blotted out the past
With the sunshine of Eternal day.
I was blind, but now my seeing
Takes its light from His own Being.
I was dead and am alive again,
I was lost but by the Saviour found;
For He loved, and death He did ordain
Was the door to resurrection ground.
I was dead, but now am living—
Both are of His grace and giving.