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The Sanctuary

A Companion in Verse for the English Prayer Book. By Robert Montgomery

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Third Sunday after Easter.

“A little while, and ye shall not see me.” —Gospel for the Day.

Abide with us!”—why pray we so,
As if Disciples did not glow
With Thine own promise sure?
“Lo! I am with you, till the chime
Of Ages sounds the last of Time,
While earth and man endure.”
Yes, Thou art “with us,” in Thy word;
Thy Voice in sacraments is heard,
And prayer and praise reveal
How through the soul Thy blessings glide,
As o'er the heart's most gloomy tide
Thy radiant comforts steal.
Dejection, oft, but not despair,
In this tried world of woe and care
It may be ours to face;
Only, be Thou the sleepless Guide,
And, morn and night, with us abide
Till we complete our race.
We ask not, blissful calms to dwell
Around us with unbroken spell,
Nor seek a pangless lot;
But, by the breathing of Thy word
Be our faint bosoms freshly-stirr'd,
Nor sigh,—as if forgot!