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How is it, brisk old Eighty-eight,
You wear so well and wear so late,
When Seventy-three goes creeping by
With feeble step and fading eye?
“When I was young,” the old man said,
“I had a calm, sagacious head,
And all my life I've kept it cool,
And curbed Desire by Reason's rule.
Though oft I've heard my neighbours groan,
I've felt no sorrow but my own;
Nor had a sweetheart, child, or wife,
To vex the current of my life.”
Old Eighty-eight, you may live on
Till your full hundred years be gone;
And when you sleep you may depend
One rug will wrap your only friend.
But as for me, I'd rather die
At forty, than like hog in sty,
Unmanly, selfish, and untrue,
Live such a life as pleases you.