University of Virginia Library


My name's Adam Dozey,
So comic and cozey,
I'm clerk of the parish, what then?
If you ask me to drink,
I say, what d'ye think?
What, a parish clerk should say Amen!
For by goles and by jingo,
I do love good stingo,
It makes me so wond'rous merry!
So puts me in tune,
I could jump o'er the moon,
Then dance and sing, hey down derry.
Besides, I'm town-crier,
And that makes me drier,
So the fact, if I'm ask'd to drink, this,
As a sober clerk, tho'
I'd fain say, “O, no!”
As town-crier, I bawl out, “O, yes!”
For by goles, &c.