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The Works of Mr. Robert Gould

In Two Volumes. Consisting of those Poems [and] Satyrs Which were formerly Printed, and Corrected since by the Author; As also of the many more which He Design'd for the Press. Publish'd from his Own Original Copies [by Robert Gould]

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To Mr. Trowe, on the Death of Madam Goddard.

She that, O Friend, cou'd be to Thee so dear,
Shall not go hence without a Funeral Tear.
Nor is this Verse writ for thy Sake alone,
But equally laments her for her own.
'Twas from above her chief Delight did flow,
But 'twas your Love that was her Heav'n below.
The Charming Eleonora past before,
By Angels welcom'd to the Elizian Shore;
Remember how that matchless Fair she lov'd,
And how she mourn'd her when from Earth remov'd:
Her Vertues too she imitated here,
And now ascends on high to Praise 'em there:
There she wou'd still her lov'd Attendance show;
But 'tis not in those Realms, as here below;
For among Saints, Distinction's took away,
All equal Sharers in eternal Day!


No doubt she wou'd have made a faithful Mate,
But who wou'd grudge her that Exalted State?
Dry then thy Eyes; nor more a Sorrow shew,
Which shou'd it reach to her relieves not you.
Mourning her Fate; you at her Good repine;
She cou'd not be so happy were she thine.
In Marriage, Care and Doubt our Joy controuls;
Love mingles Blood, but Vertue mingles Souls!
By the same Card to the same Haven steer;
Then, tho' your Nuptials were prevented here,
You'll joyn in a more lasting Union there.