University of Virginia Library

CLVI. Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis.


O tryclyn of the trinite
Replete with alle diuinite,
O flowre of alle uirginite,
Ora pro nobis.


O blessid quene of heuen blys,
Wheroff the ioye eternalle is,
Of the whiche blis thatte we not mys,
Ora pro nobis.


O emperesse of helle alsoo,
Into thatte place thatt we not goo,
Where is derkenes and endles woo,
Ora pro nobis.


O spowsesse of Crist, oure sauyowre,
The whiche restyd in thy chast bowre,
Thatte he kepe us fro alle dolowre,
Ora pro nobis.


O sweete lady so meke and mylde,
Vnto Ihesu, thy blessid chylde,
Fro blysse thatt we be notte exylde,
Ora pro nobis.


Holy moder of Crist Ihesu,
Thatte is the lorde of alle vertu,


Thatte he with grace may us renu,
Ora pro nobis.


Holy virgyn of virgyns alle,
Thatt thy sweete sone Ihesus may calle
Vs vnto hym, bothe grete and smalle,
Ora pro nobis.


Thatte we, whiche be terrestrialle,
May leve this lyff so bestialle
And come to blysse celestialle,
Ora pro nobis.