University of Virginia Library

Miraculum [de Iude]

Gywes hatieþ oure Leuedy muche & hure swete sone also
Þat is isene in mony dede þat þe ssrewene habbeþ ido
Oure Leuedi dai in harwest þat so holi is and swete
An erche bissop song is masse in þe cite of Tolete


Riȝt atte sacringe of þe masse at þulke holy dede
A uois he hurde of heuene þat þeos wordes sede
Þe ssrewen him ssolleþ so uilliche efsone do on rode
And so ssenfolliche enuily mid so luþer mode
Þe erche bissop þo he hadde is masse ibroȝt to ende
He nom wiþ him folk inou to þe Giweri he gan wende
And let of seche oueral attelaste hi fonde
Þe forme of oure Louerd in a rode ibete & ibonde
Inailed þoru fet and honde as oure Louerd mid is vif wonde
Þat hadde þe Giwes ido God ȝiue ȝam harde stonde
And alle þat ȝam louie wel for muche is þe vilte
And þe ssame þat hi ofte doþ oure Louerd in priuete
Ȝute oure Leuedi aliȝte & warnede þe bissop fore
Muche godnesse he[o] haþ ido seþþe he[o] was ibore
Nou Leuedi for þe milce þat euere haþ in þe ibe[o]
And for þe grete sor þat þou haddest þo þi sone deide on tre[o]
Ȝif us grace þat we mote such milce here wynne
Þat we mote to þe ioie come þat þou ert inne