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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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ijo propter [signific]acionem.
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ijo propter [signific]acionem.

Anoþer cause I may showe
qvi se[x]agesme was ordeynt so,
In tokenyng fully ȝe shul knowe
of widohode, as I saide tho.
Qven Crist to heuen blis went,
Apostles destitute þen wer,
And that was widohode verrayment
of holi chirch, as I say her.
And sexagesme may signifie
wydohode wel leue ȝe me,
As bifore declaret I
the time, as ȝe moun sothly se.
But in fulle reconselyng
of holy kirk þat widow was
to Ihesu Crist our heuen kyng
that so stegh to heuen plas,
therfore to chirch in his absence
was left two wynges witerly
to fliȝe with to his presence
And come to Crist hir spouse þerby.


Due ale sunt sex opera misericordie & decem precepta decalogi.

That one wyng I may wel call
the sex wercus of mercy,
that oþer wyng, as wel wyl falle,
the ten comaundementes don duly.
therfore sexagesme i-wis
on Englisch is as mich to say,
As sex sith ten nothing amys,
or ten sith six, preue hit I may.
By sex I may wel vnderstonde
the sex wercus of mercy,
by ten lagh ȝyuen of Goddus honde,
the ten comaundementes truly.
And the two wynges so laft he
In erth that we with hom shuld flie
to blis, ȝif we about be
to fulfulle hom fullylie.