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De profundis clamaui ad te, Domine; Domine, exaudi vocem meam.

Fro dalis depe to thee I criede;
Lord, Lord, listne þe voys of me!
This depe prisoun þat I in abyde,
Breke it up, Lord, for thy pyte!
Be þou my socour and my gyde,
My goostely Lord, to whom I fle,
And lete oute of þin herte ryde
That I haue doon aȝeyn[e]s þee.


Fiant aures tue intendentes in uocem deprecacionis mee.

Late þin eeris be maad listnynge
Vnto þe vois of my preyere,
For wel I woot þou hast likynge
In man [þat] þou hast bouȝt so dere;
Therfore, what euere I rede or synge,
Listen it, Lord, wiþ louely chere,
And vouche saaf at myn askynge
My conscience to clense and clere.


Si iniquitates obseruaueris, Domine, Domine, quis sustinebit?

If þou rewarde al wickidnesse,
Lord, Lord, who schal susteyne?
For, by þe lawe of riȝtwijsnesse,
Eendelees þanne were oure peyne.
But euere we hope to þi goodnesse,
Whanne þou schalt al þis world affreyne,
With mercy and wiþ myldenesse
Thi riȝtful doom þou wilt restreyne.



Quia apud te propiciacio est; & propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine.

For wiþ þee is forȝifnesse,
I haue þee suffrid, Lord, for þi lawe,
Thi lawe schal al vnriȝt redresse,
Was neuere seyd no soþir sawe;
Therfore, whanne thou schalt bodies blesse,
And deede men out of her dennys drawe,
Ihesu, þat sauerist al swetnesse,
Lete no feend oure goostis gnawe.


Sustinuit anima mea in uerbo eius; sperauit anima mea in Domino.

My soule haþ suffrid in his word,
In God my goost haþ had his trist;
For synne is scharp as knyues oord,
And makiþ hem lame þat liggiþ in lust;
Therfore, Ihesu, thou louely lord,
Þere I am roten, rubbe of þe rust,
Or I be brouȝt to schippis bord,
To sayle in-to þe sale of dust.


A custodia matutina usque ad noctem, speret Israel in Domino.

Fro þe morn ward into þe nyȝt
Lete Israel triste in God and trowen.
Israel bitokeneþ ech a wiȝt
That God schal se and goostly knowen.
To þis ech Cristen man haþ riȝt,
Þat wole his strengþe wel bistowen;
He may be sikir, as God haþ hiȝt,
That heuene blisse schal be his owne.



Quia apud Dominum misericordia, & copiosa apud eum redempcio.

For at oure Lord is greet mercy,
And plenteuous raunsum is hym wiþ;
He payede for us his owne body,
In foorme of breed boþe lyme and lith;
Ceertis for oure sake oonly
He was feynt as fowen in frith,
So þat synful may sikirly
At hym gete grace and grith.


Et ipse redimet Israel ex omnibus iniquitatibus eius.

And he schal bye[n] Israel
Fro hise mysdeedis euerilkone,
Whanne we schal rise in flesch & felle,
And efte be cloþid in blood and boone.
Thanne schal þe feend, þat is so felle,
Fer be flemyd & alle oure foone,
And gode men schulen in heuene dwelle;
God ȝeue us grace þat we so doone!