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Aȝen hom of norþhumberlond mid ost he com at dore
Hii dude him anon hor manhede & ne contekede nammore


Þo þe king egbriȝt adde ybe king þre & þritti ȝer
Þat folc of denemarch hider com as it adde ydo er
Scheþeye hii robbede verst & suþþe Innore mo
Ac þe king egbriȝt hom drof aȝen ar hii dude to moche wo
Þo king egbriȝt adde ybe king seuene & þritti ȝer
He deyde as a noble mon ac is londes he delde er
Adelwolf is eldore sone he ȝef þo al west sex
Þat was as is eritage & suþþe al souþsex
His ȝongore sone aþelston he ȝef & kinedom
Of kent & of estsex þat of is porchas com
Hit was eiȝte hundred ȝer & nyene & þritti þer to
As in þe ȝer of grace þat he deyde so
Of þe batayles of denemarch þat abbeþ ybe in þis londe
Þat worst were of alle oþere we mote abbe an honde


Worst hii were vor oþere somwanne adde ydo
As romeins & saxons & wel wste þat lond þer to
Ac hii ne kepte hit holde noȝt bote robby & ssende
& destrue & berne & sle & ne couþe abbe non ende
& bote lute it nas worþ þei hii were ouercome ylome
Vor mid ssipes & gret poer as prest ef sone hii come
King adelwolf of þis lond king was tuenty ȝer
Þe deneys come bi him riuore þan hii dude er
Vor in þe allor verste ȝer of is kinedom
Mid þre & þritti ssipuol men hor prince hider com
& at souþhamptone ariuede & at an hauene bisouþe
An oþer gret ost þulke tyme ariuede at portesmouþe


Þe king nuste weþer kepe is ost he delde atuo
Þe deneys adde þe maystrie þo al þis was ydo
& bi estangle & ludeseye hii wende vorþ atte laste
& so hamward al by kent & slowe & barnde vaste
Aȝen winter hii wende hom anoþer ȝer eft hii come
& destruede kent al out & londone nome
Þus al an ten ȝer þis lond hii broȝte þer doune
So þat in þe teþe ȝer of þe kinges croune
Al bisouþe hii come alond & þat folc of somersete
Þoru þe bissop alcston & þat londfolc of dorsete