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The Works of Michael Drayton

Edited by J. William Hebel

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TO THE VERTUOUS LADY, THE LADY Anne Harrington: wife to the Honorable Gentleman, Sir John Harrington, Knight.

Madam: my words cannot expresse my mind,
My zealous dutie to make knowne to you,
When your deserts all severally I find,
In this attempt, of mee doe claime their due:
Your gracious kindnes (Madam) claimes my hart,
Your bountie bids my hand to make it knowne,
Of me your vertues each doe claime a part,
And leave me thus the least part of mine owne,
What should commend your modestie, your wit,
Is by your wit and modestie commended,
And standeth dumbe in most admiring it,
And where it should begin, it there is ended.
And thus returne, to your praise onely due,
And to your selfe say, you, are onely you.
Michaell Drayton.