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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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[Welcome, my Lampe! awhile]


Welcome, my Lampe! awhile,
I may enioy thy oyle,
Without Disturbance; and allay
The foule distempers of the Day,
With sober recreations of the night;
All Eyes are closed, of Ignorance and Spight;
For it is late;
My watch doth prate
Of twelve or one. Deare Muses, wee may yet
Solace an howre. For ever may he gett
The name of Sluggard, who doth grutch
A midnight hower for witt, too much.
For me, I would allow
All time, one Day to you.


Yet rather let vs keepe
Our howers, and mocke at Sleepe.
For safest, when the Sun is downe,
From noise and Croud wee are our owne;
Nor yet auspicious Phebus can produce
Effects more glorious from the lab'ring Muse,
Then Luna pale;
Noe idle tale
Of giddie wits perplex her serious howers;
Noe loud day-noises, when the Cittie doores


Are all lockt vp; but onlie such
As ever have a Key too much.
Shee takes her wing. But stay,
The Cocke has summon'd Day.