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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 103. Benedic anima.
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Psal. 103. Benedic anima.



My soule, and every secret part,
within my bodies frame,
To praise the Lord assist my heart,
to blesse his holy Name.


To blesse the Lord, let nothing let
my soule thy ready way:
No benefit of his forget,
with praises to repay.


Which pardoning all thy sins fore-past,
wish thee in mercy deales;
To cure thy frailties doth fore-cast,
and all thy sicknesse heales.


Which frees thy life from going downe
into corruptions Pit;
His Mercies and Compassions Crowne
upon thine head doth fit.


With good things, to thy hearts desire,
which satiates thy mouth;
And, Eagle-like, renewes the fire,
in embers of thy youth.



To Justices the Lord gives light,
he guides the ballance best;
And Judgements executes aright,
to all that are opprest.


His waies he made to Moses knowne,
the limits of his Law:
His wondrous actions, all his owne,
the sons of Israel saw.


Compassion from the Lord doth flow,
for clemencie none such;
Of suffrance long, to anger slow,
his tender mercy much.


His censure checkes not each offence,
he will not alwaies chide;
Nor keep his anger in suspense,
for ever to abide.


He hath not, as our sins require,
with us severely dealt;
Nor our iniquities like hire,
to our deserts have felt.


But, as the Heavens unmeasur'd height,
above the earth is hie;
Such is his Mercies matchlesse might,
to them that feare him, nie.


As far as where the Sunne begins,
to where he sets the day;
So farre hath he remov'd our sins,
and rid his wrath away.


As with compassion on his sons,
a fathers bowells melt;
So in the Lord compassion runs,
by them that feare him, felt.


For to the mold he knowes we must,
whereof our masse was made:


Remembers that we be but dust,
our Harbinger, the spade.


The daies of man, as of the grasse,
attend the sithe of death:
As flower in field, his flower doth passe,
and withreth with a breath.


A blast of wind upon it blew,
and then it ceast to grow;
Then ceast to be, and where it grew,
the place no more did know.


To them the Lord is ever kind,
that to his feare doe cleave:
Them shall the childrens children find,
his Justice shall not leave.


On them, that to his Covenant bind
their hearts observance strait;
And his Commandments beare in mind
to practise, Mercies wait.


The Lord hath firmly for his stall
in Heav'ns prepar'd his Throne:
His Kingdomes Scepter over all
hath Soveraigntie alone.


O ye his Angels, blesse the Lord,
ye that in strength excell;
That doe his Word, and of his Word
attend the voices spell.


Blesse ye the Lord, all ye his Hosts,
his Armies at his will;
His Cursitors in all his coasts,
his pleasure to fulfill.


All ye his workes, that where he reignes,
all places may afford:
To blesse the Lord employ your paines,
my soule, blesse thou the Lord.