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Epigrammes in the oldest cut, and newest fashion

A twise seuen houres (in so many weekes) studie: No longer (like the fashion) nor vnlike to continue. The first seuen. [by] Iohn Weeuer

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Epig 22. Ad Gulielmum Shakespeare.
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Epig 22. Ad Gulielmum Shakespeare.

Honie-tong'd Shakespeare when I saw thine issue
I swore Apollo got them and none other,
Their rosie-tainted features cloth'd in tissue,
Some heauen born goddesse said to be their mother:
Rose-checkt Adonis with his amber tresses,
Faire fire-hot Uenus charming him to loue her,
Chaste Lucretia virgine-like her dresses,
Prowd lust-stung Tarquine seeking still to proue her:
Romea Richard; more whose names I know not,
Their sugred tongues, and power attractiue beuty
Say they are Saints althogh that Sts they shew not
For thousands vowes to them subiectiue dutie:
They burn in loue thy childrē Shakespear het thē,
Go, wo thy Muse more Nymphish brood beget them.