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Michal, Jonathan.
Long hated night, wilt thou ne'er disappear? ...
But doth the sun, indeed, for me arise
The harbinger of joy? Ah wretched me!
For I in everlasting darkness pine!—
Hast thou, my brother, left thy bed the earliest?
Yet, certainly, my frame, that never rests,
Was most exhausted. But how can I rest
On easy pillows, while on the hard earth,
Banish'd, a fugitive, within the dens
Of cruel beasts, and watch'd by ambush'd foes,
My David lies? Ah, father, fiercer far
Than ravening monsters of the wilderness!
Hard-hearted Saul! Thou takest from thy child
Her husband, and thou takest not her life?—
Hear me, my brother, here no more I tarry:
'Twill be a noble deed if thou go with me:
But if thou go not, I alone will venture
His footsteps to retrace. I am resolved
To find my husband, or to suffer death.

Delay a little while; and dry thy tears:
Perhaps our David will come to Gilboa ...

What say'st thou? Can he e'er approach the place
Which Saul inhabits? ...

David will be drawn,
Drawn irresistibly by his fond heart,
And his unswerving constancy, t'approach
The place where Jonathan and Michal dwell.


Dost thou not think that his prevailing love
Can bid defiance to the power of fear?
And would'st thou wonder if he dared come hither?

Oh, I should tremble for his life ... But yet
The seeing him would make me ...

And if he
Fear'd nothing? ... and should he with arguments
Defend his vent'rous enterprise?—The king,
Less terrible in his adversity
Than in prosperity, bewilder'd stands,
His powers mistrusting; this thou know'st full well.
Since the invincible right-hand of David
For him disperses not yon hostile ranks,
Saul fears; but, arrogant, he speaks it not.
Each of us in his face can well discern
That hopes of victory are not in his heart.
Perhaps this moment he would see thy spouse.

Yes, it is true perhaps; but he is far; ...
Ah! where? ... and in what state? ...

More than thou thinkest
He is near to thee.

Heavens! ... why mock me thus? ...