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Mary, Ormond, Bothwell.
Ah, come; oh Bothwell, enter these apartments.
Hear what incredible advice, to me,
The representative of England's queen
Brings, in his mistress' name. She wishes me
More mild towards the heretics; she wishes


Myself and Henry indivisible;
And trembles lest divorce should sever us.

Now who could give her of thy government
Such false impressions? What religious sect
Hast thou e'er persecuted? Who to-day
Dares even to pronounce the word divorce?
This day, on which Henry returns to thee ...

To-day, say'st thou?

Yes ... Now thou see'st how I
Anticipate Elizabeth's desires.

Deceitful fame exempts not even kings.—
Laden with false intelligence it came
E'en to my mistress; as there came to thee
A character of her not less fallacious,
Which painted her thy foe. I entertain
(Perhaps 'tis self-flattery) the lofty hope
Of being of your genuine sentiments
The not unwelcome true interpreter,
While, in compliance with the will of each,
A station in thy presence I maintain
No less felicitous than dignified.

Oft are the deeds of those, by lofty rank
Exposed to scrutiny, perversely judged:
Mine, hitherto by innocence inspired,
Shrink from no witnesses. Be they made known
By thee to Elizabeth: meanwhile, as well
For thy own sake as her's who sent thee hither,
Thou wilt be always honour'd in my court.