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A Tragedy

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Enter another Soldier.
Ha! with that air—those looks—that wild surprize—
What have you seen? What heard? Speak, tell me all.

The Romans are at hand; with eager speed
They sweep along the vale.

Deceive me not.

I would not do it: They are now in sight.
On the high summit of yon wood-crown'd hill,
That fronts the western sun, a sudden blaze
Of arms, of shields, and helms, glanc'd o'er the field.
I saw their banners, and their glitt'ring eagles
Display'd in proud array.

Could you descry
Their numbers?


No; I could not: of their strength
No certain estimate can yet be made.
O'er the fam'd causeway, long since made by Drusus,
Their troops advanc'd. I saw their cavalry
Forth issuing from the wood that skirts the plain.
If their whole army was display'd to view,
Their number is but small. On solid ground
Perhaps their General may pitch his camp.

What, ho! my faithful followers, ourself will view
The number and the posture of their troops.
Should they advance, a wide extended marsh
Lies foul and deep before them. On that spot,
If they advance, 'tis fix'd to give them battle.
Their men and horses on the slimy soil
Will fall a sacrifice, and with their blood
Deluge the crimson marl.

In stagnate pools
We have th'advantage; there a German soldier
Fights in his element.

While I go forth,
'Tis yours, brave Egbert, to arrange your guards
Around the castle. Let the heralds summon
Segestes to surrender: Should he dare
Still to hold out, a general assault
Shall whelm himself, his castle, and his friends
In one prodigious ruin.

[Exit, followed by soldiers; Warlike music.