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Trumpets sounding a dead march. Lysimachus led prisoner, Parisatis, Eumenes, Perdiccas, and Guards.
Stay, my Lysimachus! a moment stay!
Oh, whither art thou going?—Hold a moment!
Unkind! thou know'st my life was wrapt in thine,
Why would'st thou then to worse than death expose me?

Oh, may'st thou live in joys without allay!
Grant it, ye gods! a better fortune waits thee;
Live and enjoy it—'tis my dying wish;
While to the grave the lost Lysimachus
Alone retires, and bids the world adieu.

Even in that grave will Parisatis join thee;
Yes, cruel man! not death itself shall part us;
A mother's pow'r, a sister's soft'ning tears,
With all the fury of a tyrant's frown,
Shall not compel me to outlive thy loss.

Were I to live till nature's self decay'd,
This wond'rous waste of unexampled love
I never could repay—Oh, Parisatis!
Thy charms might fire a coward into courage;
How must they act then on a soul like mine?
Defenceless and unarm'd, I fight for thee,
And may, perhaps, compel th'astonish'd world,
And force the king, to own that I deserve thee.
Eumenes, take the princess to thy charge:
Away, Perdiccas, all my soul's on fire.
