University of Virginia Library


Scene changes to an Apartment in the Palace.
Enter Thoas and Circe attended.
Let Business wait the duller Hours of Life,
This Day is sacred all to Sports and Joy.
'Tis fit that Triumphs should mark out the Time,
Which gave the bright Imperial Circe Birth.

These Honours show'r'd in such Profusion on me,
A Subject too unworthy of such Bounties,
Swell up my female Bosom with a Pleasure,
A Pride, that leaves me destitute of Words,
And forces me to pay my Thanks in Blushes.


Not purple Greatness, not th'extended Sway
O'er Scythia's Empire, fill me with such Transport,
As 'tis to lay Dominion at thy Feet;
As, thus indulg'd, to breathe the Vows of Love,
And tell thee, that a heart-sick Monarch sues
To make thee Partner of his Bed and Throne.

Alas! you wound me with this kind Excess,
And waken Honour to be deaf to Love.
Time was, when Circe in her Virgin Bloom,
Rich in Dependancies, the Heir of Pow'r,
Might claim, and did aspire to sceptred Greatness.
But now that Pomp is wither'd, and these Charms
Are scanty Dowry for a Monarch's Bed.

Say rather, they are more than Kings can merit;
More than proud Persia, or the out-stretch'd Realms
'Twixt that, and Indus' Shores, have Wealth to purchase.
I know, my Empire is too mean a Price
In Barter for thy Love; and like a Miser,
That sets no Limits to his greedy Wishes,
I must be punish'd for too rash Desires,
And want the Gem I had not Worth to gain.

Still you will conquer; but instruct my Heart,
My grateful Heart, o'ercharg'd with mighty Debt,
How not to be injurious, should I yield;
Paying thy Bounties with a Bankrupt's Hand.

All Riches are compriz'd in thy Consent;
But, oh, if yet thou fear'st to stand oblig'd,
Permit me to assert my rigorous Claim;
And, as the Purchase of an unpaid Love,
To play the Tyrant, and usurp thy Beauties.
Enter Riphæus hastily.
Now, whence this haste?


—Tall Ships of War, my Liege,
With hostile Preparation make Approach,
And darken all the Strand.—High on their Decks
Embattled Ranks stand thick; and burnish'd Helms,
And glitt'ring Spears, gleam horrid on our Coast.

In an ill Hour these rash Invaders come
To interrupt those Joys, they shall not hinder.
Draw out our Forces, line the Beach with Strength;
And shew 'em, we're prepar'd to meet their Boldness.
[Exit Riphæus.
There let 'em grapple with our hardy Scythians,
While we, my Queen, attend the nobler Business
Of this important Day.

O pardon, Sir;
Let Circe rule in this; Lead to your Shores;
We'll baffle Danger ere we think of Joy.
I've now an Int'rest in your Throne and Person,
That longs to shew you what my Art can do
To keep Both safe.

You shall command in all.

[Exit Circe led by Thoas.